Yeah there's no way around it. Vance is a piece of shit for either:
...accepting the job of "stamping out sexual misconduct" knowing he had sexual misconduct hidden in his own past.
...accepting the job of "stamping out sexual misconduct" and then engaging in sexual misconduct while on the job.
In either case he's a pcie fo shit for fishing off of the company wharf. That stuff is fuckign cancer.
Where we're going wrong here though is in not holding the woman accountable too. Unless there's actual intimidation and coercion at play, the woman is piece of shit for shagging her way up the ranks. There's a lot of that in the military. Rank is social status and women always try to attain higher status men, so that means they try to fuck the highest ranking guy they can because he can act as a protector to them, just like in the animal kingdom.
Yeah there's no way around it. Vance is a piece of shit for either:
...accepting the job of "stamping out sexual misconduct" knowing he had sexual misconduct hidden in his own past.
...accepting the job of "stamping out sexual misconduct" and then engaging in sexual misconduct while on the job.
In either case he's a piece of shit for fishing off of the company wharf. That stuff is fucking cancer.
Where we're going wrong here though is in not holding the woman accountable too. Unless there's actual intimidation and coercion at play, the woman is piece of shit for shagging her way up the ranks. There's a lot of that in the military. Rank is social status and women always try to attain higher status men, so that means they try to fuck the highest ranking guy they can because he can act as a protector to them, just like in the animal kingdom.
Yeah there's no way around it. Vance is a piece of shit for either:
...accepting the job of "stamping out sexual misconduct" knowing he had sexual misconduct hidden in his own past.
...accepting the job of "stamping out sexual misconduct" and then engaging in sexual misconduct while on the job.
In either case he's a pcie fo shit for fishing off of the company wharf. That stuff is fuckign cancer.
Where we're going wrong here though is in not holding the woman accountable too. Unless there's actual intimidation and coercion at play, the woman is piece of shit for shagging her way up the ranks. There's a lot of that in the military. Rank is social status and woman always try to attain higher status men, so that means they try to fuck the highest ranking guy they can because he can act as a protector to them, just like in the animal kingdom.
Yeah there's no way around it. Vance is a piece of shit for either:
...accepting the job of "stamping out sexual misconduct" knowing he had sexual misconduct hidden in his own past.
...accepting the job of "stamping out sexual misconduct" and then engaging in sexual misconduct while on the job.