WE scandal 2.0
That event she spoke at was sponsored and paid by the government of Ontario and the RBC.
Seems like Doug Ford is paying her to speak.
Remember, it's a big old club and you're not part of it, but you're paying for it.
WE scandal 2.0
That event she spoke at was sponsored and paid by the government of Ontario and the RBC.
Seems like Doug Ford is paying her to speak.
Remember, it's a big old club and you're not part of it, buy you're paying for it.
WE scandal 2.0
That event she spoke at was sponsored and paid by the government of Ontario and the RBC.
Seems like Doug Ford is paying her to speak.
Remember, it's a big old club and you're not part of it.
WE scandal 2.0
That event she spoke at was sponsored and paid by the government of Ontario and the RBC.
Seems like Doug Ford is paying her to speak.