How are you ever going to know something works if you never try to?
Seriously? It's called common sense and a basic understanding of Canadian politics and how elections work.
It's only people who don't understand how any of this works who think a hardline, fringe right wing party can actually get elected in Canada.
Those of us who actually have a grasp on reality told you exactly how this would go and ended up being right, and you still won't fucking listen.
How are you ever going to know something works if you never try to?
Seriously? It's called common sense and a basic understanding of Canadian politics and how elections work.
It's only people who don't understand how any of this works who think a hardline, fringe right right wing party can actually get elected in Canada.
Those of us who actually have a grasp on reality told you exactly how this would go and ended up being right, and you still won't fucking listen.
How are you ever going to know something works if you never try to?
Seriously? It's called common sense and a basic understanding of Canadian politics and how elections work.
It's only people who don't understand how any of this works who think a hardline, fringe right right wing party can actually get elected in Canada.
Those of us who actually have agrasp on reality told you exactly how this would go and edned up being right, and you still won't fuckign listen.
How are you ever going to know something works if you never try to?
Seriously? It's called common sense and a basic understanding of Canadian politics and how elections work.
It's only people don't understand how any of this works who think a hardline, fringe right right wing party can actually get elected in Canada.
Those of us who actually have agrasp on reality told you exactly how this would go and edned up being right, and you still won't fuckign listen.