Pulling a gun out for being bullied was stupid. Standing your ground is one thing but this response was weak.
Time to get in good physical shape.
Time to learn non-lethal Self-Defense.
Time to use our own laws to our advantage.
Time to teach ourselves and eachother how to.WIN
If we don't, we will be rendered defenseless.
Edit: I firmly believe in gun rights. This is not an anti-gun post.
Pulling a gun out for being bullied was stupid. Standing your ground is one thing but this response was weak.
Time to get in good physical shape.
Time to learn non-lethal Self-Defense.
Time to use our own laws to our advantage.
Time to teach ourselves and eachother how to.WIN
If we don't, we will be rendered defenseless.
Edit: I firmly believe in gun rights. This is an anti-gun post.
Pulling a gun out for being bullied was stupid. Standing your ground is one thing but this response was weak.
Time to get in good physical shape.
Time to learn non-lethal Self-Defense.
Time to use our own laws to our advantage.
Time to teach ourselves and eachother how to.WIN
If we don't, we will be rendered defenseless.
Pulling a gun out for being bullied was stupid. Standing your ground is one thing but this response was weak.
Time to get in good physical shape.
Time to learn non-leathal Self-Defense.
Time to use our own laws to our advantage.
Time to teach ourselves and eachother how to.WIN
If we don't, we will be rendered defenseless.