Average economic performance is tied to average IQ of a population, different average IQs between different racials populations means different average economic performances, different average economic performances mean neverending resentment and strife in a society, especially since no one can admit that it's the source cause and instead bring in program after program doomed to failure and subsequent further hysteria.
I don't want to live in neverending resentment and strife, and I don't see why I should submit to being pushed down in the name of 'equity' just because I'm white. Because pushing down whites and East Asians is the only way a facade of 'equity' will ever be achieved. Until genetic engineering of people becomes a thing.
There it is in an indigestible nutshell for you. Read Richard Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" if you want to know more.
Average economic performance is tied to average IQ of a population, different average IQs between different racials populations means different average economic performances, different average economic performances mean neverending resentment and strife in a society, especially since no one can admit that it's the source cause and instead bring in program after program doomed to failure and subsequent further hysteria.
I don't want to live in neverending resentment and strife, and I don't see I should submit to being pushed down in the name of 'equity' just because I'm white. Because pushing down whites and East Asians is the only way a facade of 'equity' will ever be achieved. Until genetic engineering of people becomes a thing.
There it is in an indigestible nutshell for you. Read Richard Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" if you want to know more.
Average economic performance is tied to average IQ of a population, different average IQs between different racials populations means different average economic performances, different average economic performances mean neverending resentment and strife in a society, especially since no one can admit that it's the source cause and instead bring in program after program doomed to failure and subsequent further hysteria.
I don't want to live in neverending resentment and strife, and I don't see I should submit to being pushed down in the name of 'equity' just because I'm white. Because pushing down whites and East Asians is the only way a facade of 'equity' will ever be achieved. Until genetic engineering of people becomes a thing.
There it is in an indigestible nutshell for you. Don't debate me about it until you've read Richard Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations".
Average economic performance is tied to average IQ of a population, different average IQs between different racials populations means different average economic performances, different average economic performances mean neverending resentment and strife in a society, especially since no one can admit that it's the source cause and instead bring in program after program doomed to failure and subsequent further hysteria.
I don't want to live in neverending resentment and strife, and I don't see I should submit to being pushed down in the name of 'equity' just because I'm white. Because pushing down whites and East Asians is the only way 'equity' will ever be achieved. Until genetic engineering of people becomes a thing.
There it is in an indigestible nutshell for you. Don't debate me about it until you've read Richard Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations".
Average economic performance is tied to average IQ of a population, different average IQs between different racials populations means different average economic performances, different average economic performances mean neverending resentment and strife in a society, especially since no one can admit that it's the source cause and instead bring in program after program doomed to failure and subsequent further hysteria.
I don't want to live in neverending resentment and strife, and I don't see I should submit to being pushed down in the name of 'equity' just because I'm white. Because pushing down whites and East Asians is the only way equity will ever be achieved. Until genetic engineering of people becomes a thing.
There it is in an indigestible nutshell for you. Don't debate me about it until you've read Richard Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations".
Average economic performance is tied to average IQ of a population, different average IQs between different racials populations means different average economic performances, different average economic performances mean neverending resentment and strife in a society, especially since no one can admit that it's the source cause and instead bring in program after program doomed to failure and subsequent further hysteria.
I don't want to live in neverending resentment and strife, and I don't see I should submit to being pushed down in the name of 'equity' just because I'm white. Because pushing down the top performers is the only way equity will ever be achieved. Until genetic engineering of people becomes a thing.
There it is in an indigestible nutshell for you. Don't debate me about it until you've read Richard Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations".
Average economic performance is tied to average IQ of a population, different average IQs between different racials populations means different average economic performances, different average economic performances mean neverending resentment and strife in a society, especially since no one can admit that it's the source cause and instead bring in program after program doomed to failure and subsequent further hysteria.
I don't want to live in neverending resentment and strife, and I don't see I should submit to being pushed down in the name of 'equity' just because I'm white. Because pushing down the top performers is the only way equity will ever be achieved.
There it is in an indigestible nutshell for you. Don't debate me about it until you've read Richard Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations".