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Reason: typo

In a nutshell:

SNC Lavalin is a construction/infrastructure company from Montreal. They're mobbed up and have deep ties to the Liberal party, especially Trudeau. So deep that they were caught giving over $100k in illegal campaign contributions to the Liberals during the 2019 election campaign.

A few years back, SNC was doing business in Libya and were caught (by Canadian authorities) bribing the Libyan government for contracts. That's illegal for them to do as a Canadian business, so the RCMP charged them.

While SNC's case was making its way through the courts, Justin Trudeau gets elected PM, and immediately goes to work trying to get his SNC buddies off the hook which is totally illegal because Trudeau is the executive branch, and the executive is not allowed to inferere with the judicial. Having an independent judiciary is key to being a civilized country. The PM can't just let his buddies off the hook like that.

The Attorney General, head of the judicial branch (who was appointed by Trudeau) warned him that he wasn't allowed to interfere with the judicial system, so Trudeau fired her.

So tl;dr, Trudeau's corrupt SNC buddies get caught by the RCMP doing corruption. Trudeau abuses his office to try and let them off the hook, then fires the Attorney General when she tries to do her job and stand in the way of Trudeau's corruption.

The story is a big deal because it represents an erosion of the rule of law - the notion that the land is ruled by laws, not kings or prime ministers, meaning everyone is subject to the law and nobody - no matter how high up the ladder or well connected - is above the law. In doing what he did, Trudeau put himself and his buddies above the law, which is what goes on in banana republics and tin-pot dictatorships. That's why it was so bad for the country. It's corruption of the highest order and it makes Canada look like a backwards banana republic.

3 years ago
3 score
Reason: typo

In a nutshell:

SNC Lavalin is a construction/infrastructure company from Montreal. They're mobbed up and have deep ties to the Liberal party, especially Trudeau. So close that they were caught giving over $100k in illegal campaign contributions to the Liberals during the 2019 election campaign.

A few years back, SNC was doing business in Libya and were caught (by Canadian authorities) bribing the Libyan government for contracts. That's illegal for them to do as a Canadian business, so the RCMP charged them.

While SNC's case was making its way through the courts, Justin Trudeau gets elected PM, and immediately goes to work trying to get his SNC buddies off the hook which is totally illegal because Trudeau is the executive branch, and the executive is not allowed to inferere with the judicial. Having an independent judiciary is key to being a civilized country. The PM can't just let his buddies off the hook like that.

The Attorney General, head of the judicial branch (who was appointed by Trudeau) warned him that he wasn't allowed to interfere with the judicial system, so Trudeau fired her.

So tl;dr, Trudeau's corrupt SNC buddies get caught by the RCMP doing corruption. Trudeau abuses his office to try and let them off the hook, then fires the Attorney General when she tries to do her job and stand in the way of Trudeau's corruption.

The story is a big deal because it represents an erosion of the rule of law - the notion that the land is ruled by laws, not kings or prime ministers, meaning everyone is subject to the law and nobody - no matter how high up the ladder or well connected - is above the law. In doing what he did, Trudeau put himself and his buddies above the law, which is what goes on in banana republics and tin-pot dictatorships. That's why it was so bad for the country. It's corruption of the highest order and it makes Canada look like a backwards banana republic.

3 years ago
3 score
Reason: typo

In a nutshell:

SNC Lavalin is a construction/infrastructure company from Montreal. They're mobbed up and have deep ties to the Liberal party, especially Trudeau. So close that they were caught giving over $100k in illegal campaign contributions to the Liberals during the 2019 election campaign.

A few years back, SNC was doing business in Libya and were caught (by Canadian authorities) bribing the Libyan government for contracts. That's illegal for them to do as a Canadian business, so they RCMP charged them.

While SNC's case was making its way through the courts, Justin Trudeau gets elected PM, and immediately goes to work trying to get his SNC buddies off the hook which is totally illegal because Trudeau is the executive branch, and the executive is not allowed to inferere with the judicial. Having an independent judiciary is key to being a civilized country. The PM can't just let his buddies off the hook like that.

The Attorney General, head of the judicial branch (who was appointed by Trudeau) warned him that he wasn't allowed to interfere with the judicial system, so Trudeau fired her.

So tl;dr, Trudeau's corrupt SNC buddies get caught by the RCMP doing corruption. Trudeau abuses his office to try and let them off the hook, then fires the Attorney General when she tries to do her job and stand in the way of Trudeau's corruption.

The story is a big deal because it represents an erosion of the rule of law - the notion that the land is ruled by laws, not kings or prime ministers, meaning everyone is subject to the law and nobody - no matter how high up the ladder or well connected - is above the law. In doing what he did, Trudeau put himself and his buddies above the law, which is what goes on in banana republics and tin-pot dictatorships. That's why it was so bad for the country. It's corruption of the highest order and it makes Canada look like a backwards banana republic.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: typo

In a nutshell:

SNC Lavalin is a construction/infrastructure company from Montreal. They're mobbed up and have deep ties to the Liberal party, especially Trudeau. So close that they were caught giving over $100k in illegal campaign contributions to the Liberals during the 2019 election campaign.

A few years back, SNC was doing business in Libya and were caught (by Canadian authorities) bribing the Libyan government for contracts. That's illegal for them to do as a Canadian business, so they RCMP charged them.

While SNC's case was making its way through the courts, Justin Trudeau gets elected PM, and immediately goes to work trying to get his SNC buddies off the hook which is totally illegal because Trudeau is the executive branch, and the executive is not allowed to inferere with the judicial. Having an independent judiciary is key to being a civilized country. The PM can't just let his buddies off the hook like that.

The Attorney General, head of the judicial branch (who was appointed by Trudeau) warned him that he wasn't allowed to interfere with the judicial system, so Trudeau fired her.

So tl;dr, Trudeau's corrupt SNC buddies get caught by the RCMP doing corruption. Trudeau abuses his office to try and let them off the hook, then fires the Attorney General when she tries to do her job and stand in the way of Trudeau's corruption.

The story is a big deal because it represents an erosion of the rule of law - the notion that the land is ruled by laws, not kings or prime ministers, meaning everyone is subject to the law and nobody - no matter how high up the ladder or well connected - is above the law. In doing what he did, Trudeau put himself and his buddies above the law, which is what goes on in banana republics and tin-pot dictatorships. That's why it was so bad for the country. It's corruption of the highest order.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: typo

In a nutshell:

SNC Lavalin is a construction/infrastructure company from Montreal. They're mobbed up and have deep ties to the Liberal party, especially Trudeau. So close that they were caught giving over $100k in illegal campaign contributions to the Liberals during the 2019 election campaign.

A few years back, SNC was doing business in Libya and were caught (by Canadian authorities) bribing the Libyan government for contracts. That's illegal for them to do as a Canadian business, so they RCMP charged them.

While SNC's case was making its way through the courts, Justin Trudeau gets elected PM, and immediately goes to work trying to get his SNC buddies off the hook which is totally illegal because Trudeau is the executive branch, and the executive is not allowed to inferere with the judicial. Having an independent judiciary is key to being a civilized country. The PM can't just let his buddies off the hook like that.

The Attorney General, head of the judicial branch (who was appointed by Trudeau) warned him that he wasn't allowed to interfere with the judicial system, so Trudeau fired her.

So tl;dr, Trudeau's corrupt SNC buddies get caught by the RCMP doing corruption. Trudeau abuses his office to try and let them off the hook, then fires the Attorney General when she tries to do her job and stand in the way of Trudeau's corruption.

The story is a big deal because it represents an erosion of the rule of law - the notion that the land is ruled by laws, not kings or prime ministers, meaning everyone is subject ot the law, nobody - no matter how high up the ladder or well connected - is above the low. In doing what he did, Trudeau put himself and his buddies above the law, which is what goes on in banana republics and tin-pot dictatorships. That's why it was so bad for the country. It's corruption of the highest order.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

In a nutshell:

SNC Lavalin is a construction/infrastructure company from Montreal. They're mobbed up and have deep ties to the Liberal party, especially Trudeau. So close that they were caught giving over $100k in illegal campaign contributions to the Liberals during the 2019 election campaign.

A few years back, SNC was doing business in Libya and were caught (by Canadian authorities) bribing the Libyan government for contracts. That's illegal for them to do as a Canadian business, so they RCMP charged them.

While SNC's case was making its way through the courts, Justin Trudeau gets elected PM, and immediately goes to work trying to get his SNC buddies off the hook which is totally illegal because Trudeau is the executive branch, and the executive is not allowed to inferere with the judicial. Having an independent judiciary is key to being a civilized country. The PM can't just let his buddies off the hook like that.

The Attorney General, head of the judicial branch (who was appointed by Trudeau) warned him that he wasn't allowed to interfere with the judicial system, so Trudeau fired her.

So tl;dr, Trudeau's SNC corrupt buddies get caught by the RCMP doing corruption. Trudeau abuses his office to try and let them off the hook, then fires the Attorney General when she tries to do he job and stand in the way of Trudeau's corruption.

The story is a big deal because it represents an erosion of the rule of law - the notion that the land is ruled by laws, not kings or prime ministers, meaning everyone is subject ot the law, nobody - no matter how high up the ladder or well connected - is above the low. In doing what he did, Trudeau put himself and his buddies above the law, which is what goes on in banana republics and tin-pot dictatorships. That's why it was so bad for the country. It's corruption of the highest order.

3 years ago
1 score