since we already know that regular masks are ineffective, that fact that the filtered n95 masks did not perform any better was a bit unexpected.
and seeing covid has had 10% of the world's population in infections, It would be statistically average that 10% of the participants got an infection. And since they were all wearing masks, and their chances were still on par, therefore masks no work, thanks for playing.
also you skipped this line in the study "The observed results are consistent with a range of protection, from a 23% reduction in the HR with medical masks to a 69% risk increase."
since we already know that regular masks are ineffective, that fact that the filtered n95 masks did not perform any better was a bit unexpected.
and seeing covid has had 10% of the world's population in infections, It would be statistically average that 10% of the participants got an infection. And since they were all wearing masks, and their chances were still on par, therefore masks no work, thanks for playing.
also you skipped this line "The observed results are consistent with a range of protection, from a 23% reduction in the HR with medical masks to a 69% risk increase."
since we already know that regular masks are ineffective, that fact that the filtered n95 masks did not perform any better was a bit unexpected.
and seeing covid has had 10% of the world's population in infections, It would be statistically average that 10% of the participants got an infection. And since they were all wearing masks, and their chances were still on par, therefore masks no work, thanks for playing.
since we already know that regular masks are ineffective, that fact that the filtered n95 masks did not perform any better was a bit unexpected.
and seeing covid has had 10% of the world's population in infections, It would be statistically average that 10% of the participants got an infection. And since they were all wearing masks, their chances were still on par. Therefore masks no work, thanks for playing.
since we already know that regular masks are ineffective, that fact that the filtered n95 masks did not perform any better was a bit unexpected.
and seeing covid has had 10% of the world's population in infections, It would be statistically average that 10% of the participants got an infection. And since they were all wearing masks, their chances were still on par. Therefor masks no work, thanks for playing.
since we already know that regular masks are ineffective, that fact that the filtered n95 masks did not perform any better was a bit unexpected.
since we already know that regular masks are ineffective, that fact that the filtered n95 masks did not perform any better was a bit unexpected.