Seriously, cutting your penis off because you believe your soul is "trapped in the wrong body" is every bit as batshit crazy as cutting a hole in your skull to let the evil spirits out.
The people of the future will look back and wonder how we ever encouraged sick, confused people to do something so utterly destructive to their bodies.
"But muh gender dysphoria!"
You need to deal with the fact that you are biological male or a biological female no matter how badly you wish you weren't. Destroying your fucking body is not a solution. Pre-op/post-op suicide rates prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Seriously, cutting your penis off because you believe your soul is "trapped in the wrong body" is every bit as batshit crazy as cutting a hole in your skull to let the evil spirits out.
The people of the future will look back and wonder how we ever encouraged confused people to do something so utterly destructive to their bodies.
"But muh gender dysphoria!"
You need to deal with the fact that you are biological male or a biological female no matter how badly you wish you weren't. Destroying your fucking body is not a solution. Pre-op/post-op suicide rates prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.