The stats are the stats. Tuchodi claims that if you test positive for covid, you have a 1% chance of dying. That’s not what these stats say. His claim is manipulative and bullshit.
These are historical stats. Most people that died and were suspected of having covid were tested, making the numerator relatively accurate. The denominator doesn’t include the massive number of people that had covid but never got an official test, making the denominator way off.
So ya, he claims 1% based on a manipulative interpretation of stats. He makes the statement, then deflects when he gets called out on it.
The stats are the stats. Tuchodi claims that if you test positive for covid, you have a 1% chance of dying. That’s not what these stats say. His claim is manipulative and bullshit.
These are historical stats. Mist people that died and were suspected of having covid were tested, making the numerator relatively accurate. The denominator doesn’t include the massive number of people that had covid but never got an official test, making the denominator way off.
So ya, he claims 1% based on a manipulative interpretation of stats. He makes the statement, then deflects when he gets called out on it.
The stats are the stats. Tuchodi claims that if you test positive for covid, you have a 1% chance of dying. That’s not what these stats say. His claim is manipulative and bullshit.
These are historical stats. Everyone that died and was suspected of having covid was tested, making the numerator relatively accurate. The denominator doesn’t include the massive number of people that had covid but never got an official test, making the denominator way off.
So ya, he claims 1% based on a manipulative interpretation of stats. He makes the statement, then deflects when he gets called out on it.