These schools are from another age, but the left is obsessed with demonizing them. The influence of these schools is highly exaggerated. At their peak, around 1910, only 5% of aboriginal students attended them. Most of these students had a positive or neutral experience. Compulsory attendance ended in 1948. Several bands prevented the government from replacing residential schools in the with day schools in the 1950s and 60s because the parents thought they were better for the kids. By far the biggest complaint from students was bullying by other aboriginal students. But SJWs ignore all this and use these schools to fuel anti-white racism.
Note to the left: your hatred is not really compassion. Your racism is no better than the racism that you condemn. It is not 'for the right reasons' because your reasons are no better than anyone else's.
These schools are from another age, but the left is obsessed with demonizing them. The influence of these schools is highly exaggerated. At their peak, around 1910, only 5% of aboriginal students attended them. Most of these students had a positive or neutral experience. Compulsory attendance ended in 1948. Several bands prevented the government from replacing residentail schools in the with day schools in the 1950s and 60s because the parents thought they were better for the kids. By far the biggest complaint from students was bullying by other aboriginal students. But SJWs ignore all this and use this to fuel anti-white racism.
Note to the left: your hatred is not really compassion. Your racism is no better than the racism that you condemn. It is not 'for the right reasons' because your reasons are no better than anyone else's.
These schools are from another age, but the left is obsessed with demonizing them. The influence of these schools is highly exaggerated. At their peak, around 1910, only 5% of aboriginal students attended them. Most of these students had a positive or neutral experience. By far the biggest complaint was bullying by other aboriginal students. Compulsory attendance ended in 1948.
Note to the left: your hatred is not really compassion. Your racism is no better than the racism that you condemn. It is not 'for the right reasons' because your reasons are no better than anyone else's.