No it isn't. We don't have the balls to do an apartheid state. The point of an apartheid state would be to benefit the working white man/lower and middle class. The closest thing to one these days is Israel, and they get away with it because they have no guilt and don't give a fuck.
What we have is worse than an apartheid state. It's one where freedom of association is not allowed, because it's everyone's right to have access to whites, while everyone else demanding their own space is celebrated. On top of that, whites are under constant social pressure via guilt, or legislated pressure to be baby sisters to the peoples that have little human capital, and little chance of collective ability to take care of themselves. Asians, specifically the Japanese don't fall under this category, of course, because they are what you would call a "noble people" (there are several, in b4 mUh WhItEsUPremISt), they're just there to give greater numbers to the POC coalition to tag team whitey for present transfer and perpetual enslavement (in the same sense as being a wage slave, not an actual owned person).
This sums it up:
"I see. You don’t really want reparation. What you want is a raise. You want to live on the guilt of modern white people forever, but with the condition you get to demand a raise every generation. In fact, there can never be peace, as that would mean no more raises and maybe no more white guilt. After all, if we feel we paid our debts to you, we have no reason to keep paying you."
No it isn't. We don't have the balls to do an apartheid state. The point of an apartheid state would be to benefit the working white man/lower and middle class. The closest thing to one these days is Israel, and they get away with it because they have no guilt and don't give a fuck.
What we have is worse than an apartheid state. It's one where freedom of association is not allowed, because it's everyone's right to have access to whites, while everyone else demanding their own space is celebrated. On top of that, whites are under constant social pressure via guilt, or legislated pressure to be baby sisters to the peoples that have little human capital, and little chance of collective ability to take care of themselves. Asians, specifically the Japanese don't fall under this category, of course, because they are what you would call a "noble people", they're just there to give greater numbers to the POC coalition to tag team whitey for present transfer and perpetual enslavement (in the same sense as being a wage slave, not an actual owned person).
This sums it up:
"I see. You don’t really want reparation. What you want is a raise. You want to live on the guilt of modern white people forever, but with the condition you get to demand a raise every generation. In fact, there can never be peace, as that would mean no more raises and maybe no more white guilt. After all, if we feel we paid our debts to you, we have no reason to keep paying you."
No it isn't. We don't have the balls to do an apartheid state. The point of an apartheid state would be to benefit the working white man/lower and middle class. The closest thing to one these days is Israel, and they get away with it because they have no guilt and don't give a fuck.
What we have is worse than an apartheid state. It's one where freedom of association is not allowed, because it's everyone's right to have access to whites, while everyone else demanding their own space is celebrated. On top of that, whites are under constant social pressure via guilt, or legislated pressure to be baby sisters to the peoples that have little human capital, and little chance of collective ability to take care of themselves. Asians, specifically the Japanese don't fall under this category, of course, because they are what you would call a "noble people", they're just there to give greater numbers to the POC coalition to tag team whitey for present transfer and perpetual enslavement (in the same sense as being a wage slave, not an actual owned person).
This sums it up: