Neither of them have expressions of genuine distress on their faces. It's all virtue-signalling. I mean why else scream into your camera and then upload it to social media? It's all for acceptance and belonging points with the blue team. These people's "opinions" are worthless.
"Look at me everyone, I know who Ruth Ginsburg was! I know so hard that I'm mad she's dead. Do y'all see how mad I am? That's how much of a real democrat I am!"
That's all these displays of faux outrage are.
Neither of them have expressions of genuine distress on their faces. It's all virtue-signalling. I mean why else scream into your camera and then upload it to social media? It's all for acceptance and belonging points with the blue team. These people's "opinions" are worthless.
"Look at me everyone, I know who Ruth Ginsburg was! I know so hard that I'm mad she's dead. Do y'all see how mad I am? That's how much of a real democrat I am!"
That's all these displays of faux outrage are.
Neither of them have expressions of genuine distress on their faces. It's all virtue-signalling. I mean why else scream into your camera and then upload it to social media? It's all for acceptance and belonging points for the blue team. These people's "opinions" are worthless.
"Look at me everyone, I know who Ruth Ginsburg was! I know so hard that I'm mad she's dead. Do y'all see how mad I am? That's how much of a real democrat I am!"
That's all these displays of faux outrage are.