Riots in Malmo? Malmo is Swedens third largest city and is less than 45% Swedish.
Its worth posting this info again. Swedish defined as both parents were born in Sweden.
Sweden in 2002: 79% Swedish (75% under age 25)
Sweden in 2018: 68% Swedish (62% under age 25)
Difference in total number of Swedish from 2002 to 2018: 109,929 decrease
Percent who are Swedish in Sweden's largest cities in 2002 and (2018):
Stockholm 66% (56%)
Goteborg 67% (55%)
Malmo 61% (45%)
Statistics Sweden | Population statistics
Riots in Malmo? Malmo is Swedens third largest city and is less than 45% Swedish.
Its worth posting this info again. Swedish (defined as both parents were born in Sweden).
Sweden in 2002: 79% Swedish (75% under age 25)
Sweden in 2018: 68% Swedish (62% under age 25)
Difference in total number of Swedish from 2002 to 2018: 109,929 decrease
Percent who are Swedish in Sweden's largest cities in 2002 and (2018):
Stockholm 66% (56%)
Goteborg 67% (55%)
Malmo 61% (45%)
Statistics Sweden | Population statistics