Racism is everywhere, but we're the most generous country in the world towards minorities. We bend our ass backwards for every minority group with our tax dollars and protection clauses.
In return, we get a country that is increasingly unrecognisable, sold out to the world. They complain about rising inequality, unaffordable housing, rising crime, overburdened healthcare, stagnant incomes, while importing hundreds of thousands of people per year from the Third World, accuse law enforcement of racism, and demand we sustain a single-payer healthcare system that is funded entirely by income taxes.
It makes no sense.
Racism is everywhere, but we're the most generous country in the world towards minorities. We bend our ass backwards for every minority group with our tax dollars and protection clauses.
In return, we get a country that is increasingly unrecognisable, sold out to the world. They complain about rising inequality, unaffordable housing, rising crime, overburdened healthcare, stagnant incomes, while importing hundreds of thousands of people per year, accuse law enforcement of racism, and demand we sustain a single-payer healthcare system that is funded entirely by income taxes.
It makes no sense.
Racism is everywhere, but we're the most generous country in the world towards minorities. We bend our ass backwards for every minority group with our tax dollars and protection clauses.
In return, we get a country that is increasingly unrecognisable, sold out to the world.