How can you say I'm virtue signaling? I want my politicians to stand up for legit, concrete civil rights of Canadians. I don't want to live in a country where Doug Ford can tell me my job isn't important and shut down my business because some quack who doesn't even see patients gave him advice based on epidemic modeling.
You stand for nothing. You cede everything! Honestly dude, you are everything PPCs say you are. It's depressing.
Just wait: Toronto's medical nazi dictator Eileen De Villa was on the TV yesterday talking about locking Toronto down 100% like they're doing in Europe now. You can't leave your house except for "necessary" stuff like groceries. Will you support that? Of course you will, because some poll will tell you to.
How can you say I'm virtue signaling? I want my politicians to stand up for legit, concrete civil rights of Canadians. I don't want to live in a country where Doug Ford can tell me my job isn't important and shut down my business because some quack who doesn't even see patients gave him advice based on epidemic modeling.
You stand for nothing. You cede everything! Honestly dude, you are everything PPCs say you are. It's depressing.
Just wait: Toronto's medical nazi dictator Eileen De Villa was on the TV yesterday talking about locking Toronto down 100% like they're doing in Europe now. You can't leave your house except for "necessary" stuff like groceries. Will you support that?
How can you say I'm virtue signaling? I want my politicians to stand up for legit, concrete civil rights of Canadians. I don't want to live in a country where Doug Ford can tell me my job isn't important and shut down my business because some quack who doesn't even see patients gave him advice based on epidemic modeling.
You stand for nothing. You cede everything! Honestly dude, you are everything PPCs say you are. It's depressing.
Just wait: Eileen De Villa was on the TV yesterday talking about locking Toronto down 100% like they're doing in Europe now. You can't leave your house except for "necessary" stuff like groceries. Will you support that?
How can you say I'm virtue signaling? I want my politicians to stand up for legit, concrete civil rights of Canadians. I don't want to live in a country where Doug Ford can tell me my job isn't important and shut down my business because some quack who doesn't even see patients gave him advice based on epidemic modeling.
You stand for nothing. You cede everything! Honestly dude, you are everything PPCs say you are. It's depressing.