What do you propose as an alternative to price controls in Canadian wireless?
Auto insurance has plenty of competition here in the Greater Toronto Area. And the auto insurance rates here are among the most expensive in North America. So competition does not necessarily mean lower prices. Meanwhile in Manitoba where auto insurance is public, the premiums are much lower.
Liberals often do more harm than good with the regulations they impose. But this idea that the invisible hand of the free market always leads to the greater good is like a religion in of itself. The invisible hand of the free market after all leads to conservatives with unPC views getting fired from their jobs when they get doxxed by leftists. Private capital can be tyrannical just like government can.
Radio spectrum is a finite resource. Rogers, Bell and Telus own the lion's share of the radio spectrum in this country. They will never sell some of their radio spectrum to outsiders because the profit they can make from utilizing that radio spectrum is more than if they just sell that radio spectrum. And they all collude with each other.
What do you propose as an alternative to price controls in Canadian wireless?
Auto insurance has plenty of competition here in the Greater Toronto Area. And the auto insurance rates here are among the most expensive in North America. So competition does not necessarily mean lower prices. Meanwhile in Manitoba where auto insurance is public, the premiums are much lower.
Liberals often do more harm than good with the regulations they impose. But this idea that the invisible hand of the free market always leads to the greater good is like a religion in of itself.
Radio spectrum is a finite resource. Rogers, Bell and Telus own the lion's share of the radio spectrum in this country. They will never sell some of their radio spectrum to outsiders because the profit they can make from utilizing that radio spectrum is more than if they just sell that radio spectrum. And they all collude with each other.
What do you propose as an alternative to price controls in Canadian wireless?
Auto insurance has plenty of competition here in the Greater Toronto Area. And the auto insurance rates here are among the most expensive in North America. So competition does not necessarily mean lower prices. Meanwhile in Manitoba where auto insurance is public, the premiums are much lower.
Liberals often do more harm than good with the regulations they impose. But this idea that the invisible hand of the free market always leads to the greater good is like a religion in of itself.
Radio spectrum is a finite resource. Rogers, Bell and Telus own the lion's share of the radio spectrum in this country. They will never sell some of their radio spectrum to outsiders. And they all collude with each other.
What do you propose as an alternative to price controls in Canadian wireless?
Auto insurance has plenty of competition here in the Greater Toronto Area. And the auto insurance rates here are among the most expensive in North America. So competition does not necessarily mean lower prices. Meanwhile in Manitoba where auto insurance is public, the premiums are much lower.
Liberals often do more harm than good with the regulations they impose. But this idea that the invisible hand of the free market always leads to the greater good is like a religion in of itself.