I'll give credit where it's due. They're right about the meth thing. But it's hilarious how libtards act like small towns have a bigger drug problem than major cities. What's worse? A couple of meth heads going out for a rip in the middle of nowhere or an entire legion of crackheads completely taking over downtown and city parks?
I'll give credit where it's due. They're right about the meth thing. But it's hilarious how libtards act like small towns have a bigger drug problem than major cities. What's worse? A couple of meth heads going out for a rip in the middle of nowhere or a legion of crackheads completely taking over the entire downtown and city parks?
I'll give credit where it's due. They're right about the meth thing. But it's hilarious how libtards act like small towns have a bigger drug problem than major cities. What's worse? A couple of meth heads going out for a rip in the middle of nowhere or an entire city of crackheads completely taking over downtown and city parks?
I'll give credit where it's due. They're right about the meth thing. But it's hilarious how libtards act like small towns have a bigger drug problem than major cities. What's worse? A couple of meth heads going out for a rip at night in the middle of nowhere or an entire city of crackheads completely taking over downtown and city parks?
I'll give credit where it's due. They're right about the meth thing. But it's hilarious how libtards act like small towns have a bigger drug problem than major cities.