130,000 dead Pajeets is like a rounding error for India. lmao.
Inb4 I get called racist: I used to date a couple pajeetas and have had pajeet friends. And one of my good friends is a Pajeeta who has been saying that COVID was a hoax from Day 1. I believe SARS-CoV-2 is real. A 93 year old relative of mine in a nursing home with dementia died from pneumonia after catching SARS-CoV-2. There was an outbreak in his nursing home. Just like my grand dad died from pneumonia after catching the flu when he was like 86. But our society is over-reacting to the coronavirus like crazy and assuming the worst.
130,000 dead Pajeets is like a running error for India. lmao.
Inb4 I get called racist: I used to date a couple pajeetas and have had pajeet friends. And one of my good friends is a Pajeeta who has been saying that COVID was a hoax from Day 1. I believe SARS-CoV-2 is real. A 93 year old relative of mine in a nursing home with dementia died from pneumonia after catching SARS-CoV-2. There was an outbreak in his nursing home. Just like my grand dad died from pneumonia after catching the flu when he was like 86. But our society is over-reacting to the coronavirus like crazy and assuming the worst.