"the beatings will continue until morale improves"
for people that hate capitalism they sure do consume alot of capitalist goods
the mentally ill are not reliable sources of information- they can't even get their gender correct
open deceit and backstabbing and pretending it's doing nothing wrong, man they learned well from a certain country, they added that on top and made themselves quite the effective authoritarian regime
add in the fact that you have teachers injecting their own personal beliefs into their teaching, radicalizing more youth in this cesspool, the entire place is fucked
it was never your friend, it's there to keep you under their foot.
is this what capeshit is doing these days?
we wuz heroes n sheeeit
ah yes, the tried and true method of taxing people into the ground, rich get richer , the poor get poorer
also seen here : redditor calling others incels
our government can't even sell weed properly, socialism is going to be a shitshow
ah yes, totally what we need, more people so we can have food shortages so we can "rescue and save more refugees" to replace us
never heard of this person before, doesn't matter, i'll forget about this desperate person in a few hours anyways
funny they say dangerous stereotypes while stereotyping every white person as evil opressors that can do no good
while i concede that it's right on a few things.. there are a few things i cannot agree with.. but the more i see society go "forward" the more i don't care anymore for the things i disagree with
sorry, the suicide rates, lack of empathy towards males and everything from who gets the kids to marriage law is against males in so many ways.. i cannot in any way call this a patriarchy. it's shit to be a male in a society where males are easily thrown away extras, especially if you're not perfect
well look at that, mentally ill people doing things the mentally ill would do.
kinda the expected result of 4 men ganging up on one though
starting to think there is no peaceful solution to get out of this mess, only one that nobody wants to take the optics of
that's ok, we can make punch a commie a real thing
no, if anything it'll be the rich that'll flee, nobody else will have the money to go anywhere
you know i enjoy seeing you shill post because if there was no reason to shill post you wouldn't be here, like a litmus test for retardation, if you will
no shills means something is going wrong, but you're here constantly throwing out shillpost after shillpost like you're being paid overtime, so i think i can relax
he's not white so he'll be let off with a light slap on the wrist, or he'll run back to his home country because that's usually what they fucking do when they sense their rat ass is being hunted by the authorities for something like tax evasion
must be nice to have somewhere to run to if the country becomes fucked for them
and nothing will change, they'll continue to keep using id pol against whites until the end of time, but say it's bad if the white man uses it to their advantage
the fucking worthless media cannot ever be trusted
is it bad that i hope for a world ending event sometimes?
this is what happens when you let parasites inhabit teaching posts and positions of power, they teach your children to be weak and enforce it though repetition in media
no one is immune to propaganda
that seems like facism with extra steps?
no, i don't fucking think so IMF