I questioned her on why she wore a BLM shirt and this is the response...
“I support black people, and I know minority groups have to face racism in their every day lives. I should know about the cause if I wear a shirt but to me I know I support black people being treated equally that’s why I wore the shirt. I’m not gonna research where the money comes from regarding these movements since to me it’s not just about the money but about the support of minorities.
I also think that both BLM and Trump supporters can be good and bad, violent and non-violent. So yeah you can find violent BLM people and show me their videos. I don’t support the violence. And I could never support anything Trump related as he’s the most horrible person I have ever known.
I don’t understand why you still support after so much stupid things he’s done. I feel like you can tell me how that oh he did this for whatever reason, but he truly meant to do something else or they make him out to be the bad guy in media, but the things he’s done and the way he acts is horrible. So yeah, I would definitely vote for anything but him, and it may not be the best thing to say. But all I see is that he cause hate and commotion, and as a leader, you should be spreading positivity, and all he ever does is blame people and he would never once admit to a fault. Every human being had made mistakes so that’s not the problem.
He would blame health care workers for asking for protective gear and all of this, and to me, even if he is right in saying they have enough gear or whatever he shouldn’t blame them. He should be able to handle problems and people in a nice/intelligent way but he cannot do that as he’s so arrogant.
4 years ago I wanted to move to Australia when he got elected and I still want too just to not have to see his face. He’s a very negative person and there is SO MUCH hate spreading because of him. You can’t tell me that the things he does is completely twisted in the media and every video you see is a lie. If one person has so much anger/hate surrounding him you can’t tell me he’s a decent person.
I’m sorry, but I know we will never agree with this no matter what anyone says.”