do you believe black live matter or all lives matter? Because if you believe all lives matter and can’t be bothered to wear a mask for the generation that fought in ww2 fucking cancel yourself.
Holy fuck your a fragile virtue signalling faggot ?
It’s all over the news faggot ?
Gtfo of your bubble incel
LOLLLL snowflake so triggered he stalks OP posting time because it’s passed his senior citizen happy hour ????
You woke up at 4am to post this? Jesus Christ go back to bed grandpa and cancel yourself to save the healthcare system some money.
its fucking sad that its that way. 50k in vancouver or toronto (lived in both) would basically cover cost of living and some extra spending money with a 1 bedroom suite/basement rental. Its fucking ridiculous and thats without a car...
its called reading, I know its hard for you, but this fragile white fleshlight keeps commenting and hes so fucking cute!
(you are the fragile white fleshlight FYI... I know you would never figure that out so I am here to help!)
What are your sleeping secrets grandpa faggot!?!?!?