fuck CCP, thats universal but it seems some CCP bots are triggered that I said whites love their money.
Now that it's pretty obvious the danger is over,
you are a dumb one faggot_is_cucked
The Chinese also pay off all the major universities too. Chinese money is running deep into the heart of this country and whites are just willing to take it.
I don’t understand you faggots.
Do you support masks or don’t? You incels are confusing as fuck.
You’ve gone full retard faggotonpluto. You never go full reared.
From Americans who don’t want to go back to their shithole country
Still butthurt about being banned urbanfagmonk?
You tell me themediafags!
Roll a joint kingfaggot420!
Does this trigger you faggot? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1285299379746811915?s=20
Does this trigger you bobbyfaggot?
No it’s systematic racist faggot.
You faggots really need to get over being banned from Reddit ?
Hey faggotomega, how triggered are you by this? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1285299379746811915?s=20
Ahhahahaha still living in your head rent free fag_polish
The time for whites is over allfagsshattered
May god bless your simple mind allfagsshattered. Luckily facts don’t run on feelings!
everything is biased if it doesnt follow your viewpoint right thisisfaggot?
so do we agree that americas numbers are worst then over populated third world shit holes? Making america currently the worlds biggest shit hole?
Can you at least be a good faggot? Spamming insuhla every post isn't new or exciting
catch rona and get Darwin'd you snowflake faggot
What do you think fagfong_figfong?
okay, so no one else numbers are true, but Americas are. You have gone full retard allfagsshattered!
miss me fagflu1991?