Ratzinger is a towering intellectual and a conservative. He does not accept moral relativism and is what the church needed. Frances is, or tries to be, woke and this could ruin the church. His successor will likely come from Africa or Asia and will try to put the church back on the right track. The Vatican has a swamp, just like DC, and it’s hard to fight.
Radio and newspaper stories I heard and read referred to the 17 year old as a boy. While maybe technically correct from a legal perspective, Common parlance does not generally refer to 17 year olds as boys. Adolescent, teenager, etc. are more common. Do you think the press is unbiased? No way. They want to generate sympathy for this “boy”. Ridiculous.
Unfortunately most Canadians think government is essential. The more the government does the more these people rely on government and the more they think it is essential. Big government is the end of western civilisation.
Excellent comment. Having spent the better part of the past three decades in Asia the contrast between westerners and Asians is telling. In countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand etc there is a hunger to do well, to work hard, to improve one’s position. There is no desire to pursue social justice causes. Westerners have, to a large degree, gotten “fat and lazy” so to speak.
Just look at the real numbers. Obviously it’s not the big one, despite coordinated efforts by governments, the UN and the media to make us think it’s so bad. Now, a very transmissible fork of Ebola - that would be a different story.
What many folks don’t seem to understand is the difference between science and policy response. How something is determined to be from a scientific perspective is one thing. If, and how we react to it from a policy perspective is a different matter, and having different views about the proper policy reaction is a good thing. It should lead to debate and ultimately a better policy response. Science tells us Covid is a transmissible virus (the degree to which it is transmissible and exactly how transmissible are unsettled questions). It also tells us it can kill some people. The folks most likely to die tend to have co-morbidities and in many cases are elderly. I don’t think anyone disagrees on these basic science points. There are many potential policy reactions to this science. Leftists want to lock everyone up. Some people advocate doing nothing because the mortality rate is not very high. Others suggest simply protecting the most vulnerable. Regardless, the holding any of these positions does not warrant being called a science denier. These are just potential different reactions of how to deal with the science. Yet the intolerant, woke, authoritarian leftists want to incorrectly label anyone who disagrees with their lockdown strategy a science denier. It’s time to call bullshit on these people who really only want to shut down debate.
Depends on your skill set, financial situation etc. Covid aside, almost anywhere outside of Canada, the US and Western Europe should be fine. I’m most familiar with South East Asia and South America. There are plenty of opportunities in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines for example. There is no wokeism at all. Same goes for Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, although South America is more volatile economically than Asia. Many African countries are very conservative and welcoming but there are fewer opportunities. Don’t despair - the woke crap is really only concentrate in a few places. I think most countries look at places like Canada and laugh at how ridiculous we are.
I do have a habit of under-emphasising things. You are right, of course. Reddit is largely a pit of basement dwelling lefty wokesters with not so subtle authoritarian tendencies. It’s very distressing. I have no doubt given the opportunity they would actually lock up or execute anyone who didn’t follow their crazy views. And yet we are “alt right” radicals and dangerous. Nuts!
That phrase, and others, drives me crazy. And so few people actually try to think it through. If they gave even 10 seconds thought to it they’d realize we are not all in his together, diversity is not our strength, etc. All these woke slogans are just crap, designed to get people to accept unsupported positions because a slogan sounds nice or right. Pathetic.
Rather troubling how the article seems to portray this surveillance as a good thing. Youngsters like to rag on boomers but there is a large segment of youth that enjoy ‘punching nazis’ and an ever encroaching state limiting or taking away freedoms.
Sure, because Africa is leading the world in deep thinking!