lead pipes? Mercury?
I don't even qualify for EI, or CERB rofl. Nice try goof. I paid a bit over $100,000 in income tax for 2019. But keep trying!
Must be those all right, neo nazis in full body black man silicone suits committing crimes to frame the fine upstanding black folks of TorWakondato
"INDIANS, the board game"
Lol, it doesnt take much to get banned from there. I'm unemployed, due to outsourcing I got a severence payment from my shit employer and ended up paying about $100,000 in tax for last year. This asshole thinks I should pay twice? What a garbage shit eating loser
They're all Chinese military women apparently, if they were west coast Canadian women they'd be 100lbs heavier, blue hair and on longboards making out with other land whales.
Once CBC is done with him!
Jesse Brown, the new hero of the Alt right
Too little too late Scheer
Harvo says he's not racist he knows a black guy from work and he bought him lunch once
Explain how that picture is racist?
My uncle isn't into tranny commies from OGFT. Sorry
ignore hamsandwhichisfaggot, just some lost retard off reddit, trying to fish for threats to report to RCMP since he's a soy beta faggot.
Just a coincidence!
Well he is black so therefore absolved of any guilt on his part due to being powerless and incapable of warding off the systemic racism he is surrounded by on a daily basis. Thanks white people! You forced this poor black man into a corner where his only option was to take a framing hammer to racist white people.
Did your uncle touch your peepee u/Hamsandwhichisfaggot ?
Just because you're a 35 year old man in a dress and pretend to be a woman doesn't make you a straight woman, if you like getting fucked in the ass by a dude, it means you're gay man. you faggot.
that guy is totally in the wrong here, mistake #1 eating at timmies, #2 living in queerbec #3 speaking french
Better wash this delicious beyond burger down with some bean juice... ahhhh...
He kind of asked for it
Made by Chinese Muslim concentration camp slaves! Nike is based
Right wing extremism strikes again!
"If you don't die or go to the hospital you have the covaids19 forever!"
the real problem is nooses for a garage door. So in these cases does the social mediator come to talk during or after the shooting?