I say parasite possible because it makes more sense but still is not correct because a baby isn't an egg or a sperm, it's both.
The best you could say, is sperm is possible the parasite. Thats the choice, no sperm no parasite. Dont be a ho
organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, are you talking conjoined twins? Or tape worms? This doesn't say born from, it says another.
When you drive you put others in danger... re think that one really fast
This is also the logic of a slave owner
So you are a slave owner deciding to kill off your slave then to give it freedom in fear of the unkown
Parasites are parasites humans are humans
So when do you say you get rights?
To have sex is your right. To kill a fetus, which will become a human is wrong. Think about bacteria on mars, it is a living thing, the difference would be fetuses become humans.
please sub to my substack and comment this. The message moves better in large action.
how is that sweet :(