Canadians are so far behind Americans. Trump could literally arrest all the traitors and hang them prime time on CNN with golden proof and gallow confessions and Canadians will still be going on about the retarded "conspiracists" and how retarded we all are for thinking that Trudeau could be corrupt or that the rcmp isnt all it seems.
IMO, if trump wins again we are going to see a large influx of "ppl" moving from Los Angeles to Canada and Canadians will celebrate it with open arms and be happy to see some Canadian made mainstream propaganda films.
Ive been saying for years that things have to get a lot worse before they can get better. Sheep are a stupid breed and herding them really is an artform. Pain serves the purpose of teaching an infant about things not to do an unfortunately we are going to have to blow up our economy and probably parliamentary level political system before they will start asking for things that would improve our state. It really is unfortunate the amount of power assholes wield with a dumb/ignorant public.
China is invading Canada, I support trumps shift of making the west anti chinese. You dont hear about the russian oligarchs buying up canadian markets and trying to control our gdp.