canadian2021 19 points ago +19 / -0

I just received an email at work that said the following:

"The residential school system stripped away Indigenous peoples' languages, cultures, laws and rights. Children as young as five years old were removed from their homes and were physically, emotionally and sexually abused. Many of them died."

This is sensationalism.

I met a 90 year old couple a few weeks ago who still have a living memory of the residential schools. They said that parents of the children could not wait to send their kids off to school each year because it meant they didn't have to take care of them. It was basically a government sponsored free boarding school to them. Most of the time it was not RCMP officers showing up and taking all the kids away by force like the media is portraying it.

Sometimes the kids would show up to the schools with clothing that hadn't been changed in months. The nuns would have to peal them off, bath the children, and give them new cloths.

It was also related to me how a indian man came up to a Catholic Nun dressed in her habit and thanked her for all the she did for him. Obviously she didn't do anything, it was nuns dressed like her who taught in the residential schools he was grateful for.

You all need to think when you read something that comes from the media. The mainstream media are marxists and they are deliberately choosing stories that paint the residential schools and Canada in a negative light.

They could find success stories of residential schools. There are probably many native people who had a great experience as kids. That's just not being shown to us, it's not as sensational as painting Canada as colonialist murderers. It also doesn't accomplish the marxists goals of attacking our history.

I just wish there was more we could do to fight back against this marxist narrative and the memory holing of the truth.