Intercept: 4-2-122: Bravo Sierra code Whiskey Alpha 9.
Station: Zulu Tango, Arctic DEW 5-5, LCdr [redacted] decode Gable Harp, Golf Charlie recode Picket Wire, [redacted] IP
On December 29th, GoC plan initiate Operation Downtime.
All civilians level 4 or higher to be sent to [redacted] for immediate installation of [redacted, see appendix F, section 2].
All civilians level 4 or below to be contained.
[redacted] allows deadly force. No exceptions
Activation Camp Papa, Quebec, Romeo, level B-9 (Bravo Niner)
Inoculations to take place under operation Danger Zone, R.Adm Loggins, commanding PacFlt to oversee.
Movement restricted with transportation to Undesirable Holding Units located per Addendum F, Section 9-1, ss 17
Weaponization of S.Clause units to be undertaken, RCN Carrier Rudolph deployed.
Message ends, 0815 zulu, comm ends, connection closed::...
Well fuck me fellas. We're boned! time to stock up on TP, water, and beer!
And many a reddit drone is so proud about how they've been wearing masks since January!
Even better, people in their cars, walking alone, surrounded by nobody, all by themselves. MASK ON!!
First off, sorry for using the term guys.
Second, it's a corona-themed cartoon, shows a dude saying "But Corona" as he goes from just wearing a mask to being surveilled by several cameras and with borg implants in his head. Y'know, because Corona!
Asked the mods but they're too busy dealing with Harvo.
However, I can't not go outside, go shopping, see people, or basically live life.
So, I wash my hands a few times when I get home, avoid licking public door handles and toilets, try not to get sneezed on by strangers, and so on.
Just. Like. During. Flu. Season.
So, tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how we were supposed to flatten the curve in two weeks six months ago, which is why even tighter restrictions are taking place.
Side note: it's easy for mayors, premiers, and other government officials to hastily close down businesses as they still get paid, while unemployed workers do not.
Naturally the post on /r/Vancouver was chock full of open lively debate, valid well thought out counterpoints, and everyone respected the downvote feature as a way to indicate off topic material and not a way to make an unpopular opinion disappear. Additionally, nobody called for any violence to be used against someone who may not appeal to them.
I was going to write out a sarcastic blah blah blah, but I'd rather axe a question.
Is the "mask up or die" trend causing you any fatigue?
Some key points about the Deadliest Virus Ever!
- Covid-19 is named after the amount of time it takes to die once infected. 19 minutes and BAM! DEAD!
- A single molecule of virus can self replicate along an exponential scale. One becomes 30 becomes 5 billion within minutes!
- the Media is your friend. They just want you to be safe*. Believe all news stories and ignore anyone who speaks against the Holy Word.
- Keep your distance from everyone. 90 foot minimum distance
- Don't touch anything! A fist bump contains enough of the virus to propagate through space/time, meaning that you have already infected people in the past by this time tomorrow.
- WEAR YOUR MASK! The only time it's not acceptable to wear one is never. Shower, sleep, alone in the basement, no matter when or where, you must be masked!
- Be arrogant at all times! Give a sneering gaze at non-maskers, and smugly remind them that tHeRe's a pAnDeMiC HaPpEnInG! i gUeSs yOu dOnT CaRe aBoUt tHe eLdErLy!
- Make a big deal about wearing a mask! Get one with funny slogans or pictures, because this is the new normal!
But most of all, remain scared and paranoid at all times. Hearing someone sneeze a block away is a guaranteed death sentence! Freak out, lose sleep, stay indoors, and never let up!
Remember, obedience brings victory, and victory is life!
*exceptions to the rules include liberal rallies, protests, and rioting.
And if you reject this claim on reddit, you'll be mocked, muted, banned, otherwise silenced.
Seems legit.
I mean... CMON MAN!!
tldr: the left hates the right, and vice versa.
So wouldn't everyone be happier living along side those who align with their political views?
Not a hard question, and I think it would make peoples' lives easier on both sides of the political spectrum.
Perused r/Vancouver, and top posts are whining about fireworks.
As in, fireworks bad, billions of pets dying from bottle rockets, haze in the air, etc.
Sigh. No wonder this country is going to shit if halloween fireworks cause such a reaction.
Parliament was prorogued so Justin couldn't be held accountable for his corruption.
Now the LPC has decided that a massive influx of immigrants during a time where many Canadians are unemployed/underemployed due to COVID is not only good, but desperately needed.
And the conservatives not only failed to press Justin on his blatant corruption, due to them not wanting a snap election at this time, but have no plans to do anything about these latest immigration numbers.
Again, fully serious, if I'm wrong, please tell me.
Balkanization, where the provinces secede from Confederation, a massive civil war in large urban areas, or a Starship Troopers styled takeover by the military where they depose the incompetent politicians and enact a more ordered society?
Speaking of breakups, I remember trying to debate with an /r/Canada xerson about how the West should separate. Xe'd continuously say "bUt iT'S TrEaSoN, tHeY'D NeVeR AlLoW It", they being Ottawa.
And I'd say "right, but if they're leaving, why do they give a fuck about what Ottawa says?". Xis retort? "ItS tReAsOn", over and fucking over.
Anyways, I'm for a mix of all three, because guns are cool, pissing off ottawa is cool, and seeing fighter jets bombing toronto would be cool, too.
Also, this sub is really dead at times. What gives?