one of the things is not like the others, one of these things just isn't the same!
let me guess, heart attack at 22?
OMG do you think doggy survived? Should we call the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals??
I'm fine with gingers. going to hang out with my ginger and a half ginger friends tonight in fact! :-D
like what the heck are the chances of catching COVID when you're out on your 2 am walk??
These are otherkin. Their gender is Hyena.
I want her to have my baby!
wah you hurt my feelings :-(
the church has long been run by men who dress in woman's clothes
that must be Melbourne, Austria
Yeah check this out, from a presentation by Jordan Maxwell titled "Freemasonry and New World Order"
"...the Communist Manifesto was written in 1776 in Europe by an order of Freemasonry called the Illuminati and it wasn't until 1848 that they decided well we'd better not, we'd better tell everybody that someone else did it so we'll say Carl Marx came up with it in 1848. No way. What we call Communism is nothing more than a plan by the banking elements in England and America to divide the world between two divisions, divide the world between the east and the west so that you can have war"
how tf do they make money anyway