malakor34535 2 points ago +2 / -0

Canadians outnumber politicians, the cops, and the military about 30 to 1.

in the event of? we shouldn't even be having this discussion. the only hotbeds are toronto and quebec, and even there the under 60 death rate is a joke.

politicians are locking us down, to cover-up their own failure to protect the elderly population, instead choosing to sell out to the New World Order great reset agenda and take bribes from Bill Gates.

Gates just happened to visit Ontario this summer.

either our politicians are to dumb for basic math - see the turd drama teacher and his journalist finance minister.


they are complicit in a communist takeover of our country that they have agreed to on a global level with other countries and corporations to implement a CCP style global government to make sure they maintain control of the taxpayers money purse with 0 oversight.

Look at Washington DC live broadcasts the next 2 days.

Ask yourself, is it time for Canada to remind our politicians who they work for?

or will you settle for the turd enslaving you to the CCP

malakor34535 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd sure like to see an interview with this woman, and her whole family present.

malakor34535 3 points ago +3 / -0

politicians have gone insane, drunk with power, terrified of losing it to the awakening population.

Notice how stricter lockdowns in the western world are in March step with events in washington? They are watching the american population and our turd is having panic attacks we will finally wake up and do the same.

malakor34535 4 points ago +4 / -0

Politicians in Canada have gone insane. They are destroying our country

malakor34535 4 points ago +4 / -0

Politicians in Canada have gone insane. They are destroying our country