mshecubis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nice to hear some uplifting news from Brampton for a change. If this sort of response to bylaw officers checking up on people playing sports was more common, then this country wouldn't be such a pathetic embarrasement.

by narf8h1
mshecubis 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not gonna lie, never thought I'd feel such utter contempt for my fellow countrymen as I do right now.

mshecubis 4 points ago +7 / -3

The Germans of the 1930's were being hit with a lot of propaganda. They were being told that there were enemies all around that wanted to see them destroyed. Enemies within Germany (jews, communists) and hostile nations surrounding them.

Meanwhile Canadians are now submitting to a totalitarian government over the fucking flu.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's retardedly easy to transfer large sums of wealth anywhere in the world with crypto. And bitcoin is worth as much in South america as it is here. No banks, no wire transfers, no way for the government to stop you. Not a bad idea if you think you might need to cut your losses and get out of this failed state.

Crypto would need to be banned worldwide and all exchanges closed for it to be shut down. If Canada banned crypto, it would barely cause a blip in bitcoins value.

Also, the transfer from one wallet to another is tracked... but it would be really hard (if not impossible) to link a wallet to an individual.

mshecubis 4 points ago +4 / -0

The mods need to define what they mean by the word "racist".

Do they mean someone who blames all his problems on the jews? OR do they mean someone who doesn't feel bad about being white?

Racist is a very complicated word these days.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obviously the fascist NWO is winning. It's not even a contest anymore.

Of course I would love to see my enemies fight each other. But so far all I've seen from the commies is them being used and manipulated by the NWO to achieve their goals.

Antifa doesn't protest against corporate global takeover anymore, instead they attack those who do.

And the only thing BLM has really accomplished is to kill occupy wall street.

It's no coincidence that corporations promote racial identitarianism at every opportunity and stymie attempts to poke holes in critical race theory. It's a transparent attempt to divide poor and middle class people against each other, and it's working.

The communists are willingly helping the NWO achieve a global government in the hopes that they can subvert it after national borders have been erased.

I on the other hand want to see attempts at global governance fail, because if it doesn't then the only possible outcome for me and my decendants is to be serfs for our corporate overlords, or to be slaves for communist overlords and be worked and starved to death.

Picking one of them as an ally is moot because they're already allied with each other against me, and anyone else that values individualism and self-determination.

If we are to compare this situation to WW2, then I am Poland.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Neither. I want to see both of them gone.

But if we were seriously in danger of becoming a global communist dictatorship, I wouldn't hesitate to ally with fascists against them. A fascist new world order is a disaster, a communist new world order would be the end of humanity.

mshecubis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't get me wrong, I'm a staunch libertarian and can't abide actual fascists. I just believe communists are far worse.

mshecubis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I defy anyone to read the Gulag Archipelago, and then tell me that Nazi's are more evil than Bolcheviks.

mshecubis 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's our economic system. Not just Canada, but all of western civilization. Keynesian economics. A giant pyramid scheme with extra steps. It's why the elites are so hell bent on flooding our countries with 3rd world migrants. They're trying to pump up the bottom rungs of the pyramid with warm bodies, grow the population, grow the gdp, and thereby be able to print more money and cook the books so their robbery doesn't become obvious and tank the economy.

But it's not working. The number of elites keeps growing and their greed is outpacing their ability to keep the system working. It's all falling apart and the political and financial leaders know what's coming. It's going to make the great depression look like a joke. It's going to end the 1st world countries.

At this point they're just trying to save their own asses. Covid. Socialism. Progressivism. Climate change. Black Lives Matter. All of it is to make sure that when it all comes apart the mobs are fighting each other in the streets instead of bashing their doors down and coming after the thieves and liars responsible for the coming cataclysm.

The great reset is not some cunning masterstroke plan to control the world. It's a lazy last ditch effort to stop what's coming. Get some land and get gud at growing crops and hunting.

mshecubis 13 points ago +13 / -0

Hate to break it to you, but the Nazi's were the "progressives" of their time. They were very much at odds with the conservative junker class.

mshecubis 12 points ago +12 / -0

I think the only necessary limit on free speech, should be on calling for limits on free speech!

I think if you’re calling for limits on other people’s rights, then you don’t deserve any rights yourself.

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