I saw another one today.
Hopefully enough people see through this bullshit and don't wear masks. Up here in NW Ontario I'm seeing less and less people wear masks every day. We have maybe 2 active cases in the district but the stupid liberal mayor is pushing the health unit to make masks mandatory. It hasn't happened so far but politics in Southern Ontario usually make their way up here. So stay strong, you're fighting for all of us.
Great idea and I hope it's that easy that she wins on the first ballot, But worse case scenario, if Sloan goes down too and it comes down to either McKay or O'Toole, wouldn't you want to decide where your vote goes then?
I do like Derek Sloan but priority #1 should be defeating the drama teacher. I think that out of the 4 candidates Derek Sloan has the lowest chance of beating the liberals and getting a majority government. I suppose I could slide him in before O'Toole, I just can't see Derek Sloan as prime minister.
Defend our stances to who? You've already declared yourself a lefty so I doubt you would change your stance about anything. And most people here have zero chance of becoming lefties. You're wasting your time. Go back to reddit.
Find the order or bylaw, print it out, show it to a store manager if it becomes an issue. It says the order, at least Ottawas, no person will be required to provide proof for their reason for exemptions outlined above. As long as that's calmly explained, you're good to go. Everyone in the store will see your smile as you shop and maybe take theirs off too.
These people are insane. Biggest challenges?? The biggest challenge we have are you idiots in power spending money like drunken sailors. How about the significant challenge of our $1 trillion deficit this year? Let's tackle that one first.
Then all you gotta do is fill out Leslyn Lewis choice 1 and Derrek Sloan choice 2, or reverse that order. I like Leslyn more than Derek, but if you put them choice 1 and 2, either order, your vote will go to the one who doesn't get knocked out of round 1. You can pick the lesser of two evils for choice 3, or you can only pick 2.