whatthehell 0 points ago +1 / -1

"I expected better. We know what such misinformation could lead to," he said, calling on the Bloc to reconsider its insinuations, which he dubbed a "dangerous game."

Considering many here jumped to the conclusion that the Canadian Arab Federation had ties to extremism, I think he has a point...

whatthehell -2 points ago +1 / -3

The fact they try to hide it is a red flag.

It's pretty easy to say you are a Christian fundamentalist when it's ok and there are no repercussions for it. Try going to somewhere like China and saying that.

whatthehell -1 points ago +1 / -2

"It's really questions about his past and also the separation of church and state, which is a profound value for the Bloc," said spokesman Julien Coulombe-Bonnafous. "We don't want to raise any accusations, because I don't think there's that much."

Maybe you should read articles more...

whatthehell 2 points ago +3 / -1

Do you have any sources that say the Canadian Arab Foundation had ties with extremists or terrorists while he led it or before (up until 2006)? If not, that's how. Same reasons Christian's can rule the country and all the other religious people in parliament can hold their positions.

whatthehell -1 points ago +1 / -2

He's a chiropractor thank goodness as he clearly doesn't understand enough about medicine to be able to advise people on anything. You don't breath our "negative bacteria". Yeah, there's bacteria in your breath, but wearing a mask and keeping in bacteria growing all around your body wouldn't result in a lung infection. This person also clearly misunderstands the reasons we are told to wear masks (to prevent you from spreading droplets, which they said is why doctors wear it in operating rooms). They also don't make any sense in regards to the vaccine, if the vaccine reduces risks of symptoms, wouldn't that mean less people would go to the hospital and die? Not sure where he got his education but perhaps he needs to go back to school as even a high school biology student should know better.

whatthehell 0 points ago +1 / -1

How does any person with a brain believe this complete moron?

"We breath negative bad bacteria... that's how we detox our body... this four year old had a bacterial infection.". Like WTF, that's not how any that works, at least not in a harmful way. Don't call yourself a doctor when you are a crackpot chiropractor and you don't even understand how bacteria or our respiratory systems work.

Also "We wear surgical masks in the surgery room so we don't spit in someone else's wound that's open", well, that's exactly why they are saying masks work, so that you don't let out droplets. It does very little to stop stuff already in the air from getting to you.

And "The criteria for a successful vaccine is not to stop the spread, it's not to stop the infection rates, it's not to stop the hospitalizations and deaths, it's to slow the (a bunch of misspeaking) risk of symptoms." Why would you need to go to the hospital if you don't have any symptoms? Wouldn't that also mean you wouldn't die?

Finally "Get some air, breath some air", yeah, as far as I know you don't need to wear a mask in most outdoor spaces, and you don't need to wear a mask in your house.