Well they didn't build the Eastern civilizations. China, Japan, Korea did fine just by themselves.
White people DID create the West though... which I would argue has been the best civilization for the most freedom, innovation, economic success, least racism, least sexism, least bigotry. All great things!
China's entire culture is western derived. Mongols were led by Europeans for most of their empire and 10-20 percent had European origins genetically, most likely of Scythian origins. Genghis Khan was red headed with green eyes for instance. Terracotta statues were made by Greeks. Before then, all Chinese art, architecture and scultures are primitive and unremarkable. Hellinistic art is littered throughout Han Dynasty era and before then in the Tarim Basin. Roman coins are found throughout China and India from BC times. Their entire history and myths talk of tall, white, blue and green eyed, and red and blond haired people coming and teaching them and ruling them. There's the 1342 tomb of Katarina Vilioni, member of an Italian trading family, in Yangzhou for early influences. Art and architecture are the heart of civilization and these people were hundreds of years behind the curve until Europeans showed them how to do it.
You can find the same people in South East Asian cultures and western South America/Central America leading the people there in their earliest myths and legends. All drastic shifts in culture and art and architecture occur when these people showed up across the world. Genetic clusters and settlements that predate "native americans" and others in North America are all European/white in origin and predate by hundreds of years.
They built all civilizations, not just modern.
Well they didn't build the Eastern civilizations. China, Japan, Korea did fine just by themselves.
White people DID create the West though... which I would argue has been the best civilization for the most freedom, innovation, economic success, least racism, least sexism, least bigotry. All great things!
China's entire culture is western derived. Mongols were led by Europeans for most of their empire and 10-20 percent had European origins genetically, most likely of Scythian origins. Genghis Khan was red headed with green eyes for instance. Terracotta statues were made by Greeks. Before then, all Chinese art, architecture and scultures are primitive and unremarkable. Hellinistic art is littered throughout Han Dynasty era and before then in the Tarim Basin. Roman coins are found throughout China and India from BC times. Their entire history and myths talk of tall, white, blue and green eyed, and red and blond haired people coming and teaching them and ruling them. There's the 1342 tomb of Katarina Vilioni, member of an Italian trading family, in Yangzhou for early influences. Art and architecture are the heart of civilization and these people were hundreds of years behind the curve until Europeans showed them how to do it.
You can find the same people in South East Asian cultures and western South America/Central America leading the people there in their earliest myths and legends. All drastic shifts in culture and art and architecture occur when these people showed up across the world. Genetic clusters and settlements that predate "native americans" and others in North America are all European/white in origin and predate by hundreds of years.
The Greeks were, and still are, olive-skinned which is white IMHO.