I hope so too. A friend of mine posted something about how the liberal government has done nothing to help the airlines themselves during this pandemic. I told him basically what you said lol. If they close and shut down good. Someone with a brain will come in with an airline that actually works to service its customers instead of acting entitled to our business and treating us like dirt including no fly lists if you can muzzle your child even if they are under the legal age to require a face diaper
I hope so too. A friend of mine posted something about how the liberal government has done nothing to help the airlines themselves during this pandemic. I told him basically what you said lol. If they close and shut down good. Someone with a brain will come in with an airline that actually works to service its customers instead of acting entitled to our business and treating us like dirt including no fly lists if you can muzzle your child even if they are under the legal age to require a face diaper