If Biden wins, you will barely hear a peep about the coronavirus coming from the media after Nov 4th*. And if Biden loses, the democrat media will be forced to just give up and suck it down for 2 more years (mid-terms).
*with all the wet ass pussy Democrats mailing in their ballots, it's likely that the results may not be known until well after Nov 4th though...
First of all election results will be delayed and muddied by the left for atleast several weeks.
Hence why I put an asterisk next to Nov 4th and explained that the mail-in ballot shit may very likely lead to delays.
Second of all it is not Trump who is in control of local authority in blue states.
I never said he was. In fact Trump has made a lot of concessions to the Blue states. All those blue state lockdowns were funded by the federal government. If I was Trump, I would have said, "alright Democratic governors, if you want to lock down your states, be my guest. But you pay for it. The Federal Reserve isn't going to pay for it." But then absolutely nothing would get done in Congress due to obstruction from the Democratic house. So I imagine this is why Trump caved in to their demands to some degree (obviously the Democrats wanted more stimulus, which is why they keep saying "Orange Man Bad" 24/7 in the liberal media).
Trump is not in control of Canada.
Trump is not in control of many countries.
Canada is heavily dependent on the United States like much of the world. But especially Canada. 76.2% of our exports are bought by the United States. 52.2% of our imports come from the USA. So the Canadian liberal media have a vested interest in making sure that their preferred candidate becomes US President. Which is why the Canadian liberal media attacks Trump 24/7. Not just CNN, MSDNC, etc.
If Biden wins, you will barely hear a peep about the coronavirus coming from the media after Nov 4th*. And if Biden loses, the democrat media will be forced to just give up and suck it down for 2 more years (mid-terms).
*with all the wet ass pussy Democrats mailing in their ballots, it's likely that the results may not be known until well after Nov 4th though...
This is just plain wrong.
First of all election results will be delayed and muddied by the left for atleast several weeks.
Second of all it is not Trump who is in control of local authority in blue states.
Trump is not in control of Canada.
Trump is not in control of many countries.
Hence why I put an asterisk next to Nov 4th and explained that the mail-in ballot shit may very likely lead to delays.
I never said he was. In fact Trump has made a lot of concessions to the Blue states. All those blue state lockdowns were funded by the federal government. If I was Trump, I would have said, "alright Democratic governors, if you want to lock down your states, be my guest. But you pay for it. The Federal Reserve isn't going to pay for it." But then absolutely nothing would get done in Congress due to obstruction from the Democratic house. So I imagine this is why Trump caved in to their demands to some degree (obviously the Democrats wanted more stimulus, which is why they keep saying "Orange Man Bad" 24/7 in the liberal media).
Canada is heavily dependent on the United States like much of the world. But especially Canada. 76.2% of our exports are bought by the United States. 52.2% of our imports come from the USA. So the Canadian liberal media have a vested interest in making sure that their preferred candidate becomes US President. Which is why the Canadian liberal media attacks Trump 24/7. Not just CNN, MSDNC, etc.