posted ago by SparkPlasma ago by SparkPlasma +11 / -0

Alright so we've all seen the videos of those Kovid Karens whining about their freedoms, to which the leftist doxmob simply responds with derision and attempts to get them fired (and presumably the police fine them or something). If you browse /r/Vancouver with any regularity, you will also know that homeless people there can get away with attacking randoms with hammers, raping, and stealing from stores, and the police will generally protect them if people retaliate. So Ms. Karen gets fines for not wearing a mask into a store, Mr. Homeless can literally steal from a store and the cops can't do shit.

Is the solution to just start being nothing-to-lose-pilled? Dress up like a homeless junkie and act crazy threatening if anyone tries to enforce the mask bullshit on you?