SparkPlasma 1 point ago +1 / -0

First of all based.

Second of all why would the Taliban listen to a woman?

SparkPlasma 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, when people say that quantitative easing "works" to decrease unemployment, look past the veil: handing money to corporations allows them to hire more people to do work for those corporations. It's literally abjectly stating that if we just hand money over to corporations they can afford to turn more people into slaves.

SparkPlasma 3 points ago +3 / -0

I added a couple links in an edit at the end. The Cantillon Effect seems like it cuts to the basics of it - the people first receiving the money generation inherent in creating inflation are most likely to see increases in purchasing power while those who are farthest from the money generation see decreases in purchasing power.

I also found Ray Dalio's economy explanation kind of interesting although if you pay close attention he seems to gloss over the idea of who first gets the new loans when interest rates are lowered to spur the credit cycle, which seems like the crux of the issue. He says "the central bank lowers interest rates, causing more people to borrow" but leaves out the fact that YOU and I can't borrow at these lowered rates, we have to borrow from the people who borrow from the central bank at higher rates.

Rich people can borrow at better rates and buy more more stocks and get more money from the underlying company's earnings. In fact this is explicit if you look into margin investing on various forums. You can borrow on margin at 1.5% apparently on IBKR, but only for a certain fraction of your portfolio. If I have $100k I might only be able to borrow $50k, while a billionaire may be able to leverage an additional $500M.

SparkPlasma 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm young at 58


SparkPlasma -1 points ago +1 / -2

Doing some back of the envelope math from what they say in the articles there would be about 4,700 cases among unvaccinated people who make up about 4,000,000 of the population of Israel. So the chance of infection for unvaccinated people would be 0.1175%, or about double that of vaccinated people. Not that big of a benefit, although I'm sure there are some confounding factors involved.

SparkPlasma 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's amazing how the people I know can go directly from shitting on anti-maskers daily to saying "woohoo no more masks!" when the mandate is officially ended.

That said: sweet, I'm glad this is over (for now).

SparkPlasma 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've heard people justify bylaw officers as "just doing their jobs". Well, if their jobs are to enforce stupid as fuck rules then they should be told to fuck off. The whole system is a bunch of armed enforcers "just doing their jobs" led by a government which can't actually be made to change by any single person, so they should be impeded in "just doing their jobs" every step of the way.

SparkPlasma 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mid-2020, my sister-in-law literally posted on Facebook:

if you're complaining about the new rules, YOU'RE THE REASON WE HAVE THESE RULES

w.r.t. rules including not being allowed to have any people over to visit, among other things.

Barely even a month later, we go out for a family ski trip that she justifies as "well we've been good so we just need a break". There's also just random other shit later on, like she'd have a friend from the province over come to visit (she kept that hush hush though) or she'd have her neighbours over. Not that I care, she can do whatever she wants as far as I'm concerned, but I fucking hate that these same people who are clamouring for rules and shaming people for being upset with them then proceed to act all surprised when the stuff that they want to do is illegal, and then choose to secretly do it anyways. There seems to be so many people like this, who constantly cheer on more rules (not even necessarily covid, even random shit like various bylaws) and then get all pissy when they're finally impacted by different rules.

by InOrbit
SparkPlasma 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a few places near where I live where a 4-lane highway with only a few turnoffs is labeled at 60km/h, but everyone goes 80km/h because that's what the road should actually be. Of course, the cops occasionally try to catch "speeders" and hand out fines here. There's another spot where this 60km/h zone goes to 100km/h and cops set up just before the 100km/h sign so they can catch people as they speed up to 100km/h. This is basically abject theft, in that they're purposely criminalizing what is literally the normal behaviour of everyone on these roads, but of course if you try to fight being robbed by your government they will destroy every asset and right you have until you give them your tribute.

Meanwhile, almost every night, people's cars are broken into, but I guess the government doesn't give a shit because they can't make money off of criminals who have few assets and little care for the law.

There seems to be a fundamental issue where decent citizens generally have assets/money that can be stolen from them, so they are profitable for the government to target, while criminals do not, and in fact cost money to deal with through prisons and courts, so they are not profitable for the government to target.

SparkPlasma 1 point ago +1 / -0

But they are going to blame it on us and the media is going to jack them up into a frenzy.

Cultural revolution coming right up! Classic communism - blame the 'reactionary' boogeyman (or, in this case, 'anti-vaxxers') and when killing them doesn't work, just kill more of them!

SparkPlasma 1 point ago +1 / -0

Party A: I'll give everyone a free $10,000 per month

Party B: I'll give everyone a free $20,000 per month!

Party A: Oh yeah, I'll give everyone a free $1,000,000 per month!!!

The politics of the future.

SparkPlasma 2 points ago +2 / -0

>compain about a labour shortage

>but also complain about low wages (labour not having sufficient bargaining power)

>complain about housing prices

>but also want 500k+ people forced into the country every year

I'm always kind of partial to the idea that yeah, increasing construction and changing zoning could help alleviate the problem, but it amazes me that leftists will always go on and on about that while ignoring the elephant in the room - that dumping 500k people into this country every year is going to jack up housing prices.

SparkPlasma 1 point ago +1 / -0

It might just be because they ban anyone reasonable. I got banned a couple days ago on my latest account. They didn't tell me which comment I got banned for, nor what rule I broke, although I think it's because I called the curfew a joke. Everyone you see posting on there is someone who got past the mods by having a sufficiently anodyne opinion.

I wonder if governments, our own or foreign influencers, infiltrate and become moderators of influential forums to manipulate public opinion.

SparkPlasma 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eh, the problem lies in the people, who are influenced by the media and extant educational institutions. No matter how based a party you create, it won't get any votes. If you suggested acting within the national interest, people's Pavlov conditioning to nationalistic policies will kick in and they will scream about racism.

SparkPlasma 12 points ago +12 / -0


Literally every time someone on reddit gets mad about shit, says they're getting tired of covid, that they don't want to be locked down, or whatever the fuck, their solution is always MORE FUCKING LOCKDOWNS. They complain that these lockdowns are "half-assed" and say we need a "real" lockdown with enforcement. These people are fucking deranged. They don't know how to operate outside of government control of the people. Whenever they're dissatisfied, whenever they're "mad", they're just fucking mad that the government isn't acting to their whim to destroy people who mildly inconvenience them in some roundabout way by possibly giving them the virus if they go out and interact with people.

There is no fucking end to this, people will call to be locked down until the government has put a bullet in their neighbours head. At least they'll be safe though!!

SparkPlasma 6 points ago +6 / -0

And I still have family members going off about "anti-maskers" on Facebook. Like, bitch, who gives a shit about masks at this point? The government is forcefully shutting shit down, banning visiting private homes, and installing curfews. This isn't the time to be hand-wringing over people not wearing masks.

SparkPlasma 12 points ago +12 / -0

What are the results? I don't have a Twitter account.

SparkPlasma 5 points ago +5 / -0

>create a curfew (among other things)

>wonder why 'extremism' is on the rise

SparkPlasma 4 points ago +4 / -0

Meanwhile in my neighbourhood if you leave your car door unlocked you can expect it will be opened at some point during the night. Police really have their priorities straight.

SparkPlasma 3 points ago +3 / -0

Victoria specifically I think. There's a bunch of people in /r/melbourne coping and blaming people in New South Wales and calling for state-level border restrictions.

SparkPlasma 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just lockdown for 4 months, like Australia did! /s

Oh and now they recently had some cases anyways. /r/melbourne is coping and seething and they're probably going back into hard lockdown.

SparkPlasma 5 points ago +5 / -0

see how much you actually like it

Problem is they would like it, like Stockholm syndrome.

SparkPlasma 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Working to bring other perspectives from other cultures" =/= teaching sig digs

Honestly, there could be a salient point in the burger example in demonstrating the usage of unit conversions in equations (eg. 1burger + 1burger = 5dollars, dollars/burger = 2.50) however the way he has framed it has made it seem that he isn't teaching it that way.

SparkPlasma 9 points ago +9 / -0

Deeper into the thread, he uses a Wendy's 2 for $5 burger deal as an example of when 2+2=5.


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