They only ran a few candidates. A couple of places they came in second place far ahead of the NDP, others they ended third and not trailing the NDP by much. I haven't broken down all the numbers as it was late last night and I have to work early today.
Their biggest problem, as I informed one of their workers who cold called me weeks ago, was the name. As one specific unnamed person whom asked me when we were in a rural area and saw one of their signs, "Who the hell is the buffalo party?" "Well why'd they change the name? I didn't know who they were."
In all, this was one of the worst province wide elections I have seen -- not for turnout, but for attitudes. People that went were holding their noses when they voted because they didn't want to see an Alberta NDP situation here. Covid fears, lost jobs, and more are others. If you ask a lot of people right now I think they'd rather run a spike through any politician's head than vote for any of them. People as absolutely disgusted at politics.
The Saskparty only won because we have a liberal federal government. People here look at left leaning parties and then at Trudeau and just vote automatically for the Saskparty, even if they are inept and corrupt. The Saskparty got a budget surplus from the last NDP government and immediately turned it into a deficit. For 13 straight years they are now talking about balancing the budget, while quadrupling the provincial debt. And then you have corruption scandals and stupid ideas like banning cars with plates from Alberta. But people here are "hey, at least it's not some leftie like Trudeau".
Third time in a row a Conservative party has been elected to a provincial legislature with more than 60% of the vote. A Canadian record! can be a real salt mine.
Maybe they can balance the budget on their fourth try, but I'm not holding my breath for it.
They only ran a few candidates. A couple of places they came in second place far ahead of the NDP, others they ended third and not trailing the NDP by much. I haven't broken down all the numbers as it was late last night and I have to work early today.
Their biggest problem, as I informed one of their workers who cold called me weeks ago, was the name. As one specific unnamed person whom asked me when we were in a rural area and saw one of their signs, "Who the hell is the buffalo party?" "Well why'd they change the name? I didn't know who they were."
In all, this was one of the worst province wide elections I have seen -- not for turnout, but for attitudes. People that went were holding their noses when they voted because they didn't want to see an Alberta NDP situation here. Covid fears, lost jobs, and more are others. If you ask a lot of people right now I think they'd rather run a spike through any politician's head than vote for any of them. People as absolutely disgusted at politics.
The Saskparty only won because we have a liberal federal government. People here look at left leaning parties and then at Trudeau and just vote automatically for the Saskparty, even if they are inept and corrupt. The Saskparty got a budget surplus from the last NDP government and immediately turned it into a deficit. For 13 straight years they are now talking about balancing the budget, while quadrupling the provincial debt. And then you have corruption scandals and stupid ideas like banning cars with plates from Alberta. But people here are "hey, at least it's not some leftie like Trudeau".