A, do/did you have covid?
B, does/did anyone in your family? Casualties? Age?
C, does/did anyone at your workplace? Casualties? Age?
D, does/did anyone in your neighborhood? Casualties? Age?
A, do/did you have covid?
B, does/did anyone in your family? Casualties? Age?
C, does/did anyone at your workplace? Casualties? Age?
D, does/did anyone in your neighborhood? Casualties? Age?
No, no, no, no.
That being said I never knew anyone with the old HIVsky but that doesn't mean a shit ton of people didn't die from it.
Certainly would have been cool to know what banging bareback felt like in those days. Chicks were all on birthcontrol (because people discovered that it made them less PMS'y) in those days but everyone was still fucking a cold latex sock anyhow because they feared some killer disease that was basically confined to gays, blacks and hemophiliacs (although no one fucking told us about that now, did they? I shudder to think about how many people wore a condom to prevent AIDS while losing their virginity to a girl they'd know for their whole life.)
The government loves to overblow diseases for the sake of social control. They've been doing it forever at this point.
That doesn't mean the diseases aren't real, it just means that all governments are shitty and opportunistic.