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Pastebin allows doxxing on their platform, I've seen stolen credentials including passwords on there, you can buy stolen credit card numbers off people on darknet markets. And they use pastebin to store that information. Pastebin allows that shit on their platform. But they censor evidence of voter fraud?
Isn’t this wild? This is what it will be like all the time if Trump doesn’t get back in and actually do something about these out of control tech companies
Pastebin allows doxxing on their platform, I've seen stolen credentials including passwords on there, you can buy stolen credit card numbers off people on darknet markets. And they use pastebin to store that information. Pastebin allows that shit on their platform. But they censor evidence of voter fraud?
Wow. Fuckers.
People tried archiving it, but couldn't get past the warning page:
I saw it before it got removed though. It did exist.
No worry though. Whoever posted that to pastebin still has it, and enough people have seen it that it's part of the body of evidence.
Man, the internet oligarchs are working overtime purging the entire internet of voter fraud evidence. It's unreal. And then the MSM gets to say "See? There's no evidence of voter fraud!"
The fraud is still happening. This coverup is part of it.
Isn’t this wild? This is what it will be like all the time if Trump doesn’t get back in and actually do something about these out of control tech companies