In such situations I tell them that I charge $30 per month as long as that information is valid. How you gonna pay? They usually decline and back off.
After all marketing calls around dinner time and sorting junk mail is my valuable time and buck a day is really good deal.
Hasn't been a problem for years. And you forgot to put food in quotes.
I have had LCBO cashiers get mad when I told them that my postal was H0H0H0!
In such situations I tell them that I charge $30 per month as long as that information is valid. How you gonna pay? They usually decline and back off. After all marketing calls around dinner time and sorting junk mail is my valuable time and buck a day is really good deal.
I really wouldn't call it food, but yeah fuck 'em anyway
You should just look up the address of the Tims you're going into and give that to them. Doubt the person at the front knows the physical address.