This country will never, ever, fucking recover from the Prime Ministership of Turdeau gen 2, and I'm okay with that.
In the end, Canadians will get exactly what we deserve. Sure, your children will likely end up growing up and living in a woke-'progressive' totalitarian nightmare of a country where everything is upside down and on fire, but at least you and I can die honorably and knowingly tell whomever is judging us in the afterlife that we stood on the right side of history.
I know it doesn't seem like much now but you're talking about all of eternity. Actions have consequences.
By standing here and watching it happen? Yeah, real honorable. Give your head a shake.
The only honor is in fighting this down to the very last man. The honor is in personal sacrifice to try and stop this, even in the face of impossible odds and the gravest of consequences.
This country will never, ever, fucking recover from the Prime Ministership of Turdeau gen 2, and I'm okay with that.
In the end, Canadians will get exactly what we deserve. Sure, your children will likely end up growing up and living in a woke-'progressive' totalitarian nightmare of a country where everything is upside down and on fire, but at least you and I can die honorably and knowingly tell whomever is judging us in the afterlife that we stood on the right side of history.
I know it doesn't seem like much now but you're talking about all of eternity. Actions have consequences.
On the right side of history how exactly?
By standing here and watching it happen? Yeah, real honorable. Give your head a shake.
The only honor is in fighting this down to the very last man. The honor is in personal sacrifice to try and stop this, even in the face of impossible odds and the gravest of consequences.
Don't fool yourself. None of us have any honor.
We will ALL be monsters when this is done.