Reddit is cheering, lambasting anyone who isn't swallowing the tripe, and of course the M'Ods are deleting comments that run counter to narrative. In the interest of fostering open dialog of course.
One comment was asking The Reddit Hivemind "can i see my girlfriend", the response was "yes", and they were grateful for having obtained permission from some stranger on the internet.
No wonder they go along with the program so easily.
I heard that the Covid cases are estimated to be 6 times higher than they thought. Well doesn't that just make it look even weaker then? If there are 6 times more people walking around with it with no additional deaths what the fuck are we fretting over?
Reddit is cheering, lambasting anyone who isn't swallowing the tripe, and of course the M'Ods are deleting comments that run counter to narrative. In the interest of fostering open dialog of course.
One comment was asking The Reddit Hivemind "can i see my girlfriend", the response was "yes", and they were grateful for having obtained permission from some stranger on the internet.
No wonder they go along with the program so easily.
I heard that the Covid cases are estimated to be 6 times higher than they thought. Well doesn't that just make it look even weaker then? If there are 6 times more people walking around with it with no additional deaths what the fuck are we fretting over?
Didnt the pull that fraud where if someone died from a car crash, but have the China Virus... it'll still be counted as a China Virus death?