Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Folks, please don't get your information from people with nothing to gain. That's misinformation. Listen to the experts, their on the payroll!

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

The pandemic had already mostly come and gone by the time they realized it was even a thing, let alone spreading in China. I, along with many other people I know or have spoken to online got sick with a strange wheezy cough that lingered on for weeks back in October/November of 2019. It was a strange one, but by no means any worse than any other flu I'd had in previous years. When they realized how they could milk the situation then it suddenly became serious.

I could tell it was all bullshit when 3-4 months in it was still only killing off 90 year olds and people with other comorbidities etc. The statistics still show this. Someone that old is just barely hanging on. Pretty much anything will take them out. My own grandmother died of a broken hip simply from falling over. We went completely paranoid over something that was a non issue.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

All my coworkers pussied out and got vaccinated despite not wanting to. They were all floored by Covid when they caught it anyways. I had Covid and it lasted for a day and a half. Have had far worse hangovers. They kept getting sick over and over as the months went by as well. Turns out if you eat right and exercise you should be healthy enough to not need that vaccine bullshit. The only time I ever caught the flu as a kid was when I got the flu shot. I never took the N1H1 vaccine and noticed the same thing, all the people that took it got sick.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Before the pandemic there was a Wikipedia entry on him stating he was born a man in Hong Kong. The entry was changed right around when the pandemic put him in the spotlight.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, in my anecdotal experience its the vaccinated people actually getting ill from Covid. I have had friends and coworkers absolutely floored by it meanwhile anyone I know (and myself) who refused the vaccine just brushed it off as some minor sniffles that is far less severe than the average hangover.

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

That should have been one of the points where everyone started to question the media. The news was very disingenuous by saying it was for livestock, they should have said something about it being used safely for decades in humans, and even having anti-viral applications but not being effective against Covid etc. They could have warned people NOT to take a horse sized dose (because then you would be an idiot) and to only take dosages meant for humans etc. But then that would start to delegitimize the vaccines, and they sure as hell wanted to demonize anyone who even looked like they questioned the narrative.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man in golden palace tells everyone else its the "end of abundance".

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or because they've been bombarded with this nonsense since birth like no other generation?

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

I recall seeing the same people on Reddit saying it will never happen, and then trying to justify it when it did. We've all seen the "we always knew _______ or "we never said we would never_______" type responses there. Somehow everyone was an expert and questioned your credentials for asking questions...despite having no credentials of their own. Unable to see the media frenzy and corporate greed in front of them. The same people saying they only trusted scientists probably question their mechanic when he says their car needs work, haha. Just fall in line, do as your told, don't think unofficial thoughts.

Scrodimite 0 points ago +1 / -1

I kind of get the point they want to convey, even though its mostly just lazy whining from people who are an evolutionary dead-end.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

His book, "Covid 19 - The Great Reset" is mostly a lot of feel good fluff and buzzwords that say we need to change the way we do things ,but without giving steps or much substance to achieve that.

And then he states that naturally people (well not wealthy fucks like him, just us peasants is what he means) will have to give up rights, freedoms and privacy to get closer to this goal...which will also need a global system of governance. Plus he advocates for people implanting themselves (in this scenario) with devices that will constantly monitor all manner of data from your body...for you know, health and safety reasons.

You can read the book with the link below.


Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just reading what they write down for me...

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got banned on several sub reddits for saying the vaccine doesn't 100% stop transmission when the vaccines were coming out. Then later the narrative changed and people just started saying "Oh well we always knew it didn't prevent transmission, nobody said that". This past two years has been nothing short of scary to see how quickly everyone turned into witch burning brainwashed retards. It's almost worse than the Soviet union or China really because at least those people know its all bullshit and propaganda for the most part, people here are so goddamn docile, domesticated, gullible, lazy and self righteous that they swallow every last nugget of bullshit. Just fat and stupid herd animals being corralled.

by roddy8
Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

People who talk about themselves and brag are always full of shit.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Clearly a coincidence, there is no way the protests demanding the vaccine mandates be removed are in any way, shape, or form related to the fact that politicians are removing the vaccine mandates. The news told me so! Reddit told me so! The fact checkers told me so!

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

I work a camp job and had to sit near a guy that was desperately trying to conceal his coughing fits on the crew bus to camp. I wound up getting Covid from that. I should mention I found out who he was and it turns out he is fully vaccinated. Whatever, shit happens and getting sick is part of life. No different from any other year in history here.

After I got sent home my employer made me take both the rapid test and the swish/gargle PCR test. Rapid test said I was negative and the PCR said I was positive. Who knows though, I could have just had a regular cold/flu.

I experienced one night and a day of mild fever that morphed into a cough that rapidly diminished and was gone in two days. Not a bad cough either, more like clearing your throat.

I've had worse hangovers. And it's crazy because for all the huff and puff of the last two years I honestly would have just popped a Tylenol and went back to work if I got it three years ago.

I should also mention I spread it to a vaccinated coworker and he was floored by it and took over a week to recover.

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

"We are regaining our freedom using gerry cans of diesel refueling rigs-not dropping bombs, as was done in the past . A much more civilized manner in my humble opinion"

I really don't have a horse in the race as far as politics goes. I think they're all crooks that should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. But at least put shit into context.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got Covid from a fully vaccinated coworker. I've had worse hangovers. One day of mild fever and it was gone. Why the hell would I need a vaccine for that?

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

These are the people willing to send the unvaccinated off to the gulag. The hypocrisy of calling others selfish for not doing what YOU want them to do!

Side note: Is everyone a great big fat fuck these days or what?

Scrodimite 8 points ago +8 / -0

Just waiting for the :

It doesn't change your DNA


It might a little


Ok but here's how that's a good thing!

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mind you it would have never made it this far because the virus would be long gone by now.

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

The other 50% is from people who got vaccinated but didn't believe hard enough in the science™.

These sinners must take additional boosters as an act of contrition and place more faith in the holy vaccines.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Potentially have Covid and walk into the store with a mask on? No problem.

Lower mask for a second? WHAT ARE YOU NUTS! YOU'LL KILL US ALL!

Seems logical....

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