It amazes me how willing Canadians have been to give away their civil liberties over a virus where the median age of those who die with it are 84. Laws-LOL-Justice infuckingdeed. Our country is a fucking joke. When Doug Ford is like "if you don't like Canada, leave." I might just take him up on that offer. Because my parents are Portuguese so I'm eligible for Portuguese citizenship. That means I can live and work anywhere in the EU. Europe is full of cucks too now but there's gotta be at least one EU country that is less cucked than Canada.
I told my dad about the guy in Kelowna, BC who got fined $3,000 for having a poker game in his house with 9 people. And he's like "Doug Ford should do that in Ontario." My dad is a 72 year old retired man with no life who is terrified of WuFlu so he's totally okay with locking everyone else down, including me, because this is a civil liberty he doesn't take advantage of. This guy fled Portugal under the Estado Novo regime in the 60s to escape fascism for "liberdade". And yet he wants to go along with authoritarianism in Canada? Disgraceful. People like this are the reason why our country is going to shit.
This is a Tory in the 905. Not a Liberal. He literally doesn't give any fucks about all the people who had their lives destroyed by lockdowns. My girlfriend has been unemployed since the lockdown and he told me to dump her, don't date a loser. Meanwhile she's unemployed due to lockdowns to pacify terrified geriatrics like my pops. My dad is a literal boomer meme. Even though I know some boomers and Silent Gen who think this lockdown is horse shit. This virus is more of a Silent Gen Remover than a boomer remover too. I think Silent Genners are less terrified of this than boomers even though they are the main target of this virus. Because they are more accepting of their impending mortality.
I agree with lots you said there. But I refuse to give on on Canada. Sometimes I think we have a silent majority in Canada that has been censored hardcore. I watched the awakening happen across the USA and it was a slow go to break through all the censorship. The USA had some BIG players to help break thought the censorship. In Canada the same movement is having trouble breaking through to the masses. I can see the independent media in Canada growing but our country is sooooo big its hard to organize rallies to show people the numbers behind this movement. If Trump did have rallies we would have NEVER seem the support. The rallies were key!
The thing that gives me hope is seeing the Pro-lockdown videos in Canadian media YouTube channels having a high dislike:like ratio and lots of redpilled comments sections. But then I see NBC News or MSDNC's YouTube videos or the Young Turks and they have a high like:dislike ratio.
I wonder if the liberal news media has bots on their YouTube channels liking the videos. And if they delete comments.
The funny thing is how the liberal media gaslights us and says that it's Russian bots who are downvoting Trudeau and pro-lockdown content. And redpilling in the comments sections. As if we got all of our opinions from Russian bots. No, I want my fucking freedom. I was not manipulated by conspiracy theorists or Russian bots to want my fucking freedom. It's the people who want to give away their civil liberties to Big Daddy Government who are the brainwashed ones. I feel sorry for the people who die from COVID. But I want to live my fucking life too. And living my life is more important than 84 year olds dying with COVID. I'm sorry if that makes me a heartless autist lacking in empathy. I just don't feel the same like all the virtue signaling cucks in this country. And it wasn't Russian bots or conspiracy theorists who made me feel this way.
When ESPN was doing woke BLM shit, I got shadowbanned from their channel on YouTube after redpilling in the comments section.
It amazes me how willing Canadians have been to give away their civil liberties over a virus where the median age of those who die with it are 84. Laws-LOL-Justice infuckingdeed. Our country is a fucking joke. When Doug Ford is like "if you don't like Canada, leave." I might just take him up on that offer. Because my parents are Portuguese so I'm eligible for Portuguese citizenship. That means I can live and work anywhere in the EU. Europe is full of cucks too now but there's gotta be at least one EU country that is less cucked than Canada.
I told my dad about the guy in Kelowna, BC who got fined $3,000 for having a poker game in his house with 9 people. And he's like "Doug Ford should do that in Ontario." My dad is a 72 year old retired man with no life who is terrified of WuFlu so he's totally okay with locking everyone else down, including me, because this is a civil liberty he doesn't take advantage of. This guy fled Portugal under the Estado Novo regime in the 60s to escape fascism for "liberdade". And yet he wants to go along with authoritarianism in Canada? Disgraceful. People like this are the reason why our country is going to shit.
This is a Tory in the 905. Not a Liberal. He literally doesn't give any fucks about all the people who had their lives destroyed by lockdowns. My girlfriend has been unemployed since the lockdown and he told me to dump her, don't date a loser. Meanwhile she's unemployed due to lockdowns to pacify terrified geriatrics like my pops. My dad is a literal boomer meme. Even though I know some boomers and Silent Gen who think this lockdown is horse shit. This virus is more of a Silent Gen Remover than a boomer remover too. I think Silent Genners are less terrified of this than boomers even though they are the main target of this virus. Because they are more accepting of their impending mortality.
I agree with lots you said there. But I refuse to give on on Canada. Sometimes I think we have a silent majority in Canada that has been censored hardcore. I watched the awakening happen across the USA and it was a slow go to break through all the censorship. The USA had some BIG players to help break thought the censorship. In Canada the same movement is having trouble breaking through to the masses. I can see the independent media in Canada growing but our country is sooooo big its hard to organize rallies to show people the numbers behind this movement. If Trump did have rallies we would have NEVER seem the support. The rallies were key!
The thing that gives me hope is seeing the Pro-lockdown videos in Canadian media YouTube channels having a high dislike:like ratio and lots of redpilled comments sections. But then I see NBC News or MSDNC's YouTube videos or the Young Turks and they have a high like:dislike ratio.
I wonder if the liberal news media has bots on their YouTube channels liking the videos. And if they delete comments.
The funny thing is how the liberal media gaslights us and says that it's Russian bots who are downvoting Trudeau and pro-lockdown content. And redpilling in the comments sections. As if we got all of our opinions from Russian bots. No, I want my fucking freedom. I was not manipulated by conspiracy theorists or Russian bots to want my fucking freedom. It's the people who want to give away their civil liberties to Big Daddy Government who are the brainwashed ones. I feel sorry for the people who die from COVID. But I want to live my fucking life too. And living my life is more important than 84 year olds dying with COVID. I'm sorry if that makes me a heartless autist lacking in empathy. I just don't feel the same like all the virtue signaling cucks in this country. And it wasn't Russian bots or conspiracy theorists who made me feel this way.
When ESPN was doing woke BLM shit, I got shadowbanned from their channel on YouTube after redpilling in the comments section.
Preach my brother! Preach! ?
Stuff's cheap in Portugal. Wine, Olive Oil...