The thing that gives me hope is seeing the Pro-lockdown videos in Canadian media YouTube channels having a high dislike:like ratio and lots of redpilled comments sections. But then I see NBC News or MSDNC's YouTube videos or the Young Turks and they have a high like:dislike ratio.
I wonder if the liberal news media has bots on their YouTube channels liking the videos. And if they delete comments.
The funny thing is how the liberal media gaslights us and says that it's Russian bots who are downvoting Trudeau and pro-lockdown content. And redpilling in the comments sections. As if we got all of our opinions from Russian bots. No, I want my fucking freedom. I was not manipulated by conspiracy theorists or Russian bots to want my fucking freedom. It's the people who want to give away their civil liberties to Big Daddy Government who are the brainwashed ones. I feel sorry for the people who die from COVID. But I want to live my fucking life too. And living my life is more important than 84 year olds dying with COVID. I'm sorry if that makes me a heartless autist lacking in empathy. I just don't feel the same like all the virtue signaling cucks in this country. And it wasn't Russian bots or conspiracy theorists who made me feel this way.
When ESPN was doing woke BLM shit, I got shadowbanned from their channel on YouTube after redpilling in the comments section.
The thing that gives me hope is seeing the Pro-lockdown videos in Canadian media YouTube channels having a high dislike:like ratio and lots of redpilled comments sections. But then I see NBC News or MSDNC's YouTube videos or the Young Turks and they have a high like:dislike ratio.
I wonder if the liberal news media has bots on their YouTube channels liking the videos. And if they delete comments.
The funny thing is how the liberal media gaslights us and says that it's Russian bots who are downvoting Trudeau and pro-lockdown content. And redpilling in the comments sections. As if we got all of our opinions from Russian bots. No, I want my fucking freedom. I was not manipulated by conspiracy theorists or Russian bots to want my fucking freedom. It's the people who want to give away their civil liberties to Big Daddy Government who are the brainwashed ones. I feel sorry for the people who die from COVID. But I want to live my fucking life too. And living my life is more important than 84 year olds dying with COVID. I'm sorry if that makes me a heartless autist lacking in empathy. I just don't feel the same like all the virtue signaling cucks in this country. And it wasn't Russian bots or conspiracy theorists who made me feel this way.
When ESPN was doing woke BLM shit, I got shadowbanned from their channel on YouTube after redpilling in the comments section.
Preach my brother! Preach! ?