A lot of seniors are based. However my dad is totally not one of those seniors (he's a boomer though. This woman appears to be Silent Gen). My dad wants thing to be locked down until there's a safe effective vaccine. He's a literal selfish boomer meme. He doesn't give a shit whether the lockdown makes the young or even me miserable. It's as if my dad is incapable of love and empathy. There is some sort of personality disorder there with my dad.
A lot of seniors are based. However my dad is totally not one of those seniors (he's a boomer though. This woman appears to be Silent Gen). My dad wants thing to be locked down until there's a safe effective vaccine. He's a literal selfish boomer meme. He doesn't give a shit whether the lockdown makes the young or even me miserable. It's as if my dad is incapable of love and empathy. There is some sort of personality disorder there with my dad.