Well the Donald has something OC doesn't have: a common goal, supporting Donald Trump.
We don't have any politically unified goal. The CPC in Canada is just like the GOP before Trump: a cesspool of dick sucking globalists.
The one populist leader that has emerged (Bernier) has been shit on for not doing for the CPC what Trump did to the GOP.
Here's the rub for all the morons out there: Unlike Trump, Bernier isn't a Canadian icon, he's just a former federal politician.
Canada doesn't have very much in the way of strong masculine leaders, because Canada has been a democracy of limp dick pussies since at least Pearson, possibly even before that.
Well the Donald has something OC doesn't have: a common goal, supporting Donald Trump.
We don't have any politically unified goal. The CPC in Canada is just like the GOP before Trump: a cesspool of dick sucking globalists.
The one populist leader that has emerged (Bernier) has been shit on for not doing for the CPC what Trump did to the GOP.
Here's the rub for all the morons out there: Unlike Trump, Bernier isn't a Canadian icon, he's just a former federal politician.
Canada doesn't have very much in the way of strong masculine leaders, because Canada has been a democracy of limp dick pussies since at least Pearson, possibly even before that.
Well said. We definitely need someone/something to rally behind. TheDonald showed us the road map but we need a driver.