If you want to get accurate employment numbers, the payroll companies can give you that, ADP in particular has a historical report from month to month.
Note the non-farm payroll numbers from 2020M03 (16868963) to 2020M11 (7590529).
There were 16.9 million people employed (under ADP payroll) in this country back in march, vs only 7.59 million people today which is about a 55% drop.
tldr: shits fucked
Excellent work!!! If you google ADP Canada NER (National Employment Report), you can find the webpage OP has linked (instead of the Excel file directly).
Weblink: https://www.adp.ca/en/resources/adp-canada-ner.aspx
With this you can track updates for Canada's National Employment asi it evolves over time.
I'll see if I can write a script to visualize this data and later make a post to omegacanada.win (pictures are worth a 1000 words...).
Merry Christmas everyone!
Should be easy enough to graph the total employment numbers in excel
Would be worth doing it by sector too. Would really highlight the disparity between public and private. Which is also worrying, given you need private income to fund public jobs